View Full Version : Struggling and not sure what to do.

04-08-16, 14:58
So as you know I've been posting on here quite a bit and yes I guess it is for reassurance but also I feel quite lonely.
Every time I talk about how I feel I get told I need help as its not the way to live life (very true) but also I feel like I'm annoying people by talking about it, like I'm silly or not normal.

Today I feel a bit spaced out and disorientated and waves of heat are coming over me, I keep thinking I'm riddled with something as it's not normal to feel like this.

I'm just feeling scared that if I go to the doctors something will come back negative and ill end up in hospital.

Earlier today I went for coffee with a friend and whilst she was talking to me I began thinking 'what if tonight I collapse and I go in to hospital, how do I know this isn't going to happen?'

sorry for posting again, just want someone/people to talk to who understand.


05-08-16, 14:36
Well if you have been to a dr and they say your fine then you have to accept its anxiety and you'll be okay. If you haven't been to a dr then go see one. It's really that simple. If you haven't collapsed yet from these symptoms why would you now? Yea I know I'm guilty too, I have heart anxiety but I know that's all that it is. But I did go to a dr and I was diagnosed with MVP and now I know why my heart feels funny sometimes. I suggest you talk to anyone who will listen and get yourself some help

10-08-16, 19:36
But I'm betting you didn't collapse and go to the hospital, right? You have to try and break the cycle of the "what if?" scenarios. Easier said than done, I know...but it's a step that needs to be taken in order to better deal with your anxiety.