View Full Version : Anxiety from Alcohol

04-08-16, 16:56
I have been noticing more and more recently that drinking even at very moderate amounts or even minimal amounts, I feel
Anxiety. Now, even imagining drinking or being any sort of hung over gives
Me massive anxiety. I've cut down so much that if I do have a drink it's one or two, once or twice a week. My boyfriend drinks much more and my friends really enjoy going out. I'm worried about losing friends over this and of course that's make my anxiety even worse! Any advice or similar experiences helpful. Thank you

07-08-16, 14:41
I used to enjoy a few drinks but the last few months I've noticed that even if I have 1 double vodka and coke I feel way more anxious the next day.

in the rare times I have a hangover it just seem to be panic attack instead.

I guess I might not bother drinking anymore. can always have non alcoholic drinks when I'm out I guess

07-08-16, 14:48
alcohol is the worst thing for my anxiety, even a few shandies make me anxious the next day. Best to just avoid it!

07-08-16, 15:18
I had to stop drinkng too. Instead of relaxing me it seemed to have the opposite effect

07-08-16, 15:50
I agree that alcohol and anxiety aren't a good combination as do many others but may I ask why you've now posted this same thread 4X?

Positive thoughts

07-08-16, 16:14
I am brand new to the site and still figuring out how it works!

08-08-16, 07:48
Ive found i can drink certain types of alcohol at certain times of the day and be ok. Late at night whiskey right before bed and just one or two ill be ok. A few drinks at 6pm and my anxiety will sometimes rise if im in a stressfull for me type situation (out of town, at an unfamiliar place/situation) alcohol is a cheap high i sometimes think it has to do with the quality of alcohol (beer, cheap spirits) and sometimes wonder if drinking expensive alcohol would be ok (i feel fine with expensive whiskey)