View Full Version : Can someone define in detail a change in bowel habits? it's still here :(

04-08-16, 17:13

well ***** I'm back and sort of betterish I've had two cbt sessions which I'm really enjoying learnt some breathing exercises that's helped me with the overthinking but not with this yet at all. I'm still incredibly concerned I did a mistake last night just being on youtube A youtuber I watched Called totalbiscuit is 29 and he's got incurable now that's spread to his liver as inoperable. He had loose stools for a year and half then a bit later he started having allot of mucus and blood that's when he went to doctors about it and found out in hospital. See he left it a year and half So I'm still worried. :( This really put me down considering I loved watching him then on the suggestions a medial doctor on youtube a gamer made an awareness video which i stupidly watched and now scared.

Anyway for the last 3 months nearly damn 4 it's been so up and down I just don't know anymore I doubt ibs or stress can cause it for this long.

Atm i'm going once ish sometimes two I'll go in the morning do something decent then have a bit more i just can't get out at the time.

Basically when it says constipation is that not being able to go at all and really straining hard to get anything out or having to use laxatives?

And when it says more frequent what is meant by that 5-6 times a day with an urgency to run and go?

Basically the one I'm really worrying about is Incomplete evacuation this is really scaring me but I don't know if mine comes under this category as there's still some left and I can feel it after at times I just can't get it out at the time. And it's been like this for idk anymore atleast 2 months :(. Does this count as proper incomplete evac or is when there's nothing there and just the feeling?

And finally the mucus sometimes it's there on it but not so much. But yesterday night I went to the toilet as normal had a shower come back out and just passed some yellowish mucus on it's own!. Tuesday and Wednesday though I barely drank anything not good. So idk if that was just constipation.

Now I'm drinking constantly just bottles of water and hope it improves I get some bad gas cramp pains aswell which apparently is another symptom of cc :( I'm debating going back to the doctors

04-08-16, 17:29
Just the fact that you haven't been on or posted for a week is HUGE! Good going. You got this man! If you could do that after two sessions, you're on your way. You don't need no stinkin' reassurance :D

Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

04-08-16, 18:04
Do NOT go back to the doctors. Do NOT go on youtube looking for colon cancer stuff. STOP straining because if you continue you will end up with a very painful condition which I have when the rectum goes into a complete spasm for days and it is very painful.

Other than that, keep going (with your therapy not with squeezing out bowel movements)

04-08-16, 19:52
I'm not now I was just concerned about the mucus and the bits of incomplete feelings

Elizabeth Fry
04-08-16, 20:46
I have these symptoms all the time and it's been diagnosed as ibs. I have days when I go all the time, even into the evening and stools which are different colours, mucous, the lot. I nearly passed out when I saw blood. This turns out to be haemorrhoids! The doctors are convinced it's stress (I do have a lot on at the moment) and I am willing to believe them. I will NOT Google any more. I am really trying with this as it is not a good thing. You really have to believe them and divert your mind with other thoughts. It's very difficult though, I know. I feel for you.

04-08-16, 21:09
yeah it is hard, I've had a dodgy stomach since year 7. at school I'm 20 now but yeah i keep thinking this time is something worse

04-08-16, 21:15
Can someone define in detail a change in bowel habits?

Habit#1: I used to go in the mornings like clockwork. Now I'm lucky to go every other day if that!

Habit#2: I used to buy whatever toilet paper was on sale. Now I only use Cottonelle.


Positive thoughts and poo threads

Elizabeth Fry
04-08-16, 21:56
The trouble with anxiety like this is that peace goes out of the window because our minds are often/always on the preoccupying thought. I say to myself - what if it's all ok? Wouldn't that be something - concentrate on that - sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not. I'm often wistful for how I used to be before this happened. I remind myself to keep trying. Even though it's hard and I fail often.

05-08-16, 08:34
It sure does :( but what else do you think it is then? A
I don't know if I could say it's changed much I don't think it's been a drastic change.

05-08-16, 10:31
Can someone define in detail a change in bowel habits?

Habit#1: I used to go in the mornings like clockwork. Now I'm lucky to go every other day if that!

Habit#2: I used to buy whatever toilet paper was on sale. Now I only use Cottonelle.


Positive thoughts and poo threads

Geez Fishmanpa,that dunny paper is expensive over here,I use Gum Leaf....cost nothing.:roflmao:.

05-08-16, 11:39
Geez Fishmanpa,that dunny paper is expensive over here,I use Gum Leaf....cost nothing.:roflmao:.

There's always the old commando's trick... shove your finger up, give it a swirl and wipe your finger. :ohmy:

05-08-16, 13:47
Digitally enhanced bog roll?

05-08-16, 17:08
Geez Fishmanpa,that dunny paper is expensive over here,I use Gum Leaf....cost nothing.:roflmao:.

Then there's that deal about shaking hands with your left hand when traveling to certain countries because ummm... Know what I mean? ~lol~

Positive thoughts

05-08-16, 20:56
When I was having a testicular lump scare about 3 months back my stress and anxiety levels were chronic at one stage I didn't have a bowel movement for about 5 days I had lost approximately 15 pounds of weight in a few weeks and had this uncontrollable shakiness I remember one day I tried to force out a bm because I hadn't gone for 5 days and a 2 inch pencil thin black stool with mucus came out which really set me off so the next day I went to the doctors for the good ol finger examination and the doctor detected a small grape sized lump in my rectum (sorry tmi) so because of the state I was in the doctor made a referal to see a oncologist so after another rummage around he sat me up and reassured me I was fine he could also tell from my anxiety that I was going through hell and miraculously I also had the ultrasound done for the TC on the very same day 1 hour apart which turned out to be a harmless cyst. So it just shows that stress and anxiety can absolutely wreck havoc on our digestive system along with the immune system. So because what seems to you as abnormal bms you are going through high levels of stress which is not giving the digestive system the means to correct itself.

05-08-16, 21:57
Ok forget the breathing exercises it's seriously terrifying now I got back from fishing and have like a constant pressure! like i need to go I'm scared that it's going to stay now and Not leave I'm seriously freaking out right now! I had some wind which turned into wet wind went to the toilet and I'm passing wind but there feels like mucus and when i wipe it's yellow but the pressure hasn't gone!

06-08-16, 08:28
This is probably your levator ani muscles in spasm-it causes constant rectal pressure and is very uncomfortable.

06-08-16, 10:37
Geez I was gunna have dinner,i don't feel like it now.:lac:

06-08-16, 10:43
Mucus is up there anyway. I always found when I was having periods of straining with my roids I would always have mucus coming out (sorry Karina :doh:) That part is anxiety because it's normal to be seeing things like that when you are straining.

I think we often forget that inside we human beings we need lubrication. Well, perhaps men more than women forget, women have to learn about things like that pretty early on.

Think about your throat. Is it totally dry? Wouldn't that make it crack and be sore? The body is secreting fluids to keep things working properly so we need to remember this at times where there is some coming out e.g. too much mucus with a cold/infection in the chest/throat, straining your arse, etc.

---------- Post added at 10:43 ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 ----------

Geez I was gunna have dinner,i don't feel like it now.:lac:

You don't put it in that end. :whistles::D

06-08-16, 11:16
Oh shit I forgot :doh: you put in your gob and comes out ya bum...der I'm dumb..lol.:D.

06-08-16, 11:19
Oh shit I forgot :doh: you put in your gob and comes out ya bum...der I'm dumb..lol.:D.

Some people can get it to come out of their mouth too, especially politicians. :winks:

06-08-16, 13:06
So you think it's ibs another anxiety forum im on someone told me to go back to Drs :( as it could be collitis or something but I doubt it's that idk anymore :(.

---------- Post added at 13:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 ----------

Ok so this is what it's like, it's annoying as hell ive just been after my coffee the first big bit is fine then I just can't get the rest out unless I strain hard which I don't do btw. If I do relax a bit it breaks off into smaller chunks but basically Theres always some still left there's some left now I can feel it but just can't get it out for the life of me. It's just weird.

Then yesterday I went after work with a big urge but when I do empty I get that mucus :( I can't win.

Is it possible im being scared or tense on the toilet causing it to stay in ?

06-08-16, 13:08
Nothing you have written sounds like anything out of the ordinary. It sounds like ibs.

This past year I've had mushy stools (sorry tmi), then slightly constipated, then this last month or so a mix.

Even my cats have different types of Bowel movements. We all experience strange sensations. It's normal. A lot of it is emotional stress, ibs or diet. If I have a sachet of coffee on a morning as oppose to regular jarred coffee, it makes me go to the toilet almost instantaneously.

06-08-16, 14:25
Maybe but now I'm still shitting it, I'm getting random urges now to go and doing bits this is tenesmus im pretty sure it is which is a major symptom of bowel cancer !

---------- Post added at 14:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

But when I can't get the bits out and they come out later they're not rock hard like typical cobstipation

---------- Post added at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ----------

Or is tenesmus like a diahrrhea urge like a running urge it's not that just slight pressure

07-08-16, 11:49
So it's still here a bit today :(