View Full Version : I want these tension headaches gone

04-08-16, 23:14
I have never been prone to headaches or migraines my whole life and suddenly 3 weeks ago I started getting weird tension headaches. I was pretty panicked when I searched the symptoms and brain tumour came up. Of course I feared the worst. Went to family doctor then another doctor when the other reassured me of anxiety because I still didn't feel calm. Second doctor did small neurology exam, said I was fine. My headache have gotten better, it seems like they hurt less and less everyday and some days I don't have them at all, and sometimes just an hour or less a day. But am I calm? No. I am in constant fear. Especially because still 2 weeks ago I was feeling very off balance (now not as much) has slurred speech, thankfully that corrected itself too, and now Im just left with ear plugged feeling and pressure feeling in bridge of nose (is it just me?).

Also, I do have shoulder pain and I notice when I massage deeply into the tissue I sometimes feel as if my head reacts where I have the tension pain in my head.

Please tell me I'm going crazy. I just want this to be hormones or something. I'm a new mom and I'm only 22 in a few weeks :wtf1:

04-08-16, 23:45
Yes of course it could be your hormones if you've just had a child. It could also be anxiety or stress. Google always comes up with scary outcomes, I believe a lot of peoples anxieties could have been stopped sooner had they kept away from Google (myself included).