View Full Version : Hypnagogic hallucination fear

05-08-16, 14:19
Recently I've been posting on here often about my fear of schizophrenia and I came across something again that troubled me. I've been having really vivid dreams lately that have been accompanied by hypnagogic hallucinations at bed time. At first I wasn't worried about it but then I did some research on hypnagogia and found out that it's common in schizophrenics. (Among other mental disorders.)

Specifically, I've been hearing like fragments of sentences and random nonsense when having these hallucinations.

Someone tell me I'm alright :(

06-08-16, 02:50
Schizophrenia is scary I agree. I am familiar with this illness due to my working conditions. How old are you? There is a typical onset age for schizophrenia to develop. The people I know with schizophrenia started showing systems in their teenage years and they report that the symptoms aren't occasional (like right before sleep) but almost allll the time.

I would say the type of hallucinations you are talking about are somewhat common. I have also had maybe a couple (when I was pregnant) with sleep paralysis yikes.

06-08-16, 09:48
Hypnagogia & Hypnopompia and experienced by ALL people. They are not connected to anxiety specifically but anxiety is known to make them worse.

If you were having hallucinations outside of these sleep stages then it may be something to keep an eye on but even then many people experience hallucinations that mean nothing e.g. thinking someone said your name when they hadn't. These are very common in anyone and I had them myself long before my anxiety and just shrugged them off as weird...but people with a HA or OCD (Schiz theme) tend to believe they must be a sign of something.

Being able to specifically state they are in those known sleep stages means you are experiencing normal hallucinations. It's just that you've seen an article about it and not remembered about all people experiencing them.

06-08-16, 13:11
Well I have had this occasionally all my life so as Terry says its perfectly normal. Its always as I am just asleep or falling asleep and it can be anything from hearing voices or loud noises to seeing say a giant spider above my head ( with me shrieking and leaping out of bed:D or chucking my pillow across the room).

Its only a concern if it happens at any other time of the day but with sleep anything goes and its normal and not a sign of mental illness.