View Full Version : Little white pimples on my lips - is this normal?

05-08-16, 17:10
Hi everyone,

I hope you're all as well as can be.

I've been trying so hard to manage my HA by not asking for reassurance, but I'm worried - and I don't want it to blow out of proportion.

I've noticed I have a couple of tiny white pimple-like-spots on the outer corners of my lips. They're most noticeable when I stretch the skin of my lip, but they're still visible when I don't.

It looks like the milia you see around the eyes sometimes - just inside the corner of my lips.

Maybe everyone has these, and I'm just paying more attention to them because I'm anxious.

Does anyone know if you can get milia in the lips? I daren't Google it.

Any perspective much appreciated :(

Ps. I'm currently switching medication from Fluoxetine to Citalopram, so I think my HA is really heightened right now :( xo

05-08-16, 20:44
I have them too.. i think everyone has them maybe

05-08-16, 20:46
I have them too.. i think everyone has them maybe

Thank you SO much for responding GadGirl. It's crazy how my HA has me questioning even things I've probably had for years, and never thought twice about :( xo

05-08-16, 20:51
Dont sweat it, I have been the exact same with things. I had an incident a few months ago where i could really see my veins in my chest and arms they were bright blue and i was freaking out thinking something was wrong with me cause i had never noticed them before turns out my auntys bathroom lights were mega LED HD lights and they showed everything I just had not noticed them before with normal light lol

05-08-16, 20:58
Hey I just checked and I have these too :)