View Full Version : Mike chest pain after eating

05-08-16, 20:25
The past few days a few minutes after eating I have had a mild pain in my chest area, my left side or sometimes towards the middle. It's not bad and only last a few seconds to a few minutes. It doesn't feel like heartburn or anything, it is starting to freak me out has anyone else has this?

Mild chest pain not Mike lol

05-08-16, 20:29
I get it quite frequently, I have always put it to acid reflux or indigestion

05-08-16, 22:13
Thanks this is what I was thinking too. Can it also feel like a pulling in the back awell sometimes?

05-08-16, 22:30
Well I have a really bad tense back and shoulder on my left side and it can pain sometimes, sometimes I think it's my chest but realise it's my back

06-08-16, 13:20
Swallowing uses muscles so any problem with muscles in chest and back and neck can cause it otherwise it can be from slightly irritated oesphagus for whatever reason, usually minor.
See how it is in 2 weeks time and if you are getting it every single time you eat solid food then yes it would be sensible to see your Dr but I bet its done in a week.