View Full Version : Heated Plastic

05-08-16, 22:29
So I was defrosting a plastic carton of Minestrone Soup and i decided without thinking to put it in the Oven to defrost quicker, it worked but when i took it out of the oven, the handles on the top from one side was melting, The bottom seemed fine and considering there was a paper lid on the top i don't think any got in the food, after microwaving it properly it tasted the same as usual, however i cant help but feel anxious that I've somehow poisoned myself.

05-08-16, 22:30
You will be fine :-)

05-08-16, 22:40
Yeh dont worry I put things in the oven and they have been like that ,I have eaten them and Im ok ��xx

06-08-16, 02:41
I've done this many time without any issues. I hope your soup was yummy :)

06-08-16, 05:02
Thanks for the support everyone, I have no Idea as to why i thought putting plastic in the oven was a good idea, but it had been a pretty long day :)