View Full Version : Hello im new and want to change!

21-03-07, 17:07

im hopefully and i really really really am trying.......

basically i had my whole life planned out,i was just about to end my first term back at my second year of uni,studing fashion marketing and loved it,loved it!had tonnes of friends and my gorgeous boyfriend of 4years i knew my whole life this is what i wanted to do,i found that i was living a lie basically ive just realised i was quite miserable the weeks coming up to my first attack,the first attack i had was december 9 2006 and it was horrible,i thought i was actually dying and had to get my mum to drive from inverness to glasgow at 4 in the morining because she was so terrified!

i did not have a clue what was happening and was asked if i had been on drugs or if i may be pregnant many a time!

im only 19 and considered to have a brilliant life but come the new year it all went to pieces,i had to cancel my exams,had to cancel an industrial placement and basically come to terms with what happened.

im finding this whole panic attack thing very very difficult,i know im lucky as i have only had about 6-8 but i am so anxious all the time.
I only spend two days in glasgow a week for university and come home the rest of the time but my god those 2days seem to last a lifetime!

I find i have read everything there is to know about panic attacks and i have practiced breathing the past week which has made me hopefully but my god i am not the same person i used to be at all!

i had dreams of travel,a fashion career,going out constantly in glasgow and living a great life but now i just feel i cant even leave my flat or house without doubts and fear of anxiety,i crack up in glasgow and just come straight home to be with my parents and my boyfriend and feel i cannot socialise incase something happens,whenever i am in public i just get dizzy and panic and i want it to end so i can get back to normal!

im on the nhs waiting list to see a counsollor but god knows how long it will take!

please god i hope there is somebody out there who has experienced the same thing at university and who can keep me going!i just dont feel i can do anything on my own!


21-03-07, 18:16
hi yes the panic attacks are horrible i am 37 i have had them for 21 years they do get better you learn to control them better just do simple breathing and try thinking positive thinking of good things in your life like your boyfreind seems a really nice person if you need to talk day or night i am here take care bernadette [detty for short ] x x x x x x

21-03-07, 18:27
Hi There,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

21-03-07, 20:11
welcome to the site. I'm 20 and want to go to college n stuff but I can't 'cos I'm housebound.
I'm also on the nhs list waiting for a psychologist.
If you ever wanna talk just pm me or whatever, lol.
take care = )

22-03-07, 17:06

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left for some great tips and advice.

Pink Princess
24-03-07, 19:18
hey welcome to the site, hope you settle in and make friends xxxxxxxxx