View Full Version : is this flu or something else

06-08-16, 10:29
Yesterday had a sore throat then no energy today feel worse one minute I'm sweating them in freezing �� worried I've got cancer or something .

06-08-16, 10:36
Sore throats often come first with colds.

It does sound like you are coming down with something like a cold.

Don't let the HA start whispering cancer in your ear, you've come far and can tell it to go away. Some people find anxiety heightens with colds, others like me feel more down so the anxiety does away, so don't be surprised if you see changes like that. Just keep going and don't allow yourself to have time to focus on these things.

You will be better in a few days.

06-08-16, 11:32
I no but I'm sweating then freezing �� feel like I've been hit by a bus ��

06-08-16, 11:54
I no but I'm sweating then freezing �� feel like I've been hit by a bus ��

Typical symptoms of a temperature. Happens to me everytime I have a temp. Common, normal, harmless. Just don't push yourself too hard these next few days and you'll be as right as rain before you know it. Probably coming down with the cold or a virus.

06-08-16, 12:07
I'm thinking ot may be tonsillitis coz of the sore throat

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 ----------

And temp

06-08-16, 12:11
have lots of rest and fluids and you`ll be fine soon:)

06-08-16, 12:16
I'm thinking ot may be tonsillitis coz of the sore throat

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 ----------

And temp

All my colds have started with a sore throat. My gland under my chin always swells and feels sore.

I've had tonsillitis twice and both times it was agony to swallow and speak and both times I had white dots on my tonsils.

06-08-16, 12:19
It is agony to swallow and drink.and talk ��

---------- Post added at 12:19 ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 ----------

Did u feel u had no energy and drained

06-08-16, 12:21
Perhaps you do have tonsillitis then. Do you have those white pussy spots on them? Tonsillitis goes on its in most circumstances. I needed antibiotics the first time I had it, the second time it cleared up after about 6 days.

Bear in mind a sore throat can be agony and be just a sore throat, or an impending cold.

---------- Post added at 12:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

No I didn't feel drained with tonsillitis. I do when I get a cold though

06-08-16, 12:24
I don't no I havnt looked.they look big and red tho cant say I looked for the dots

06-08-16, 12:24
Sounds like your coming down with a typical common cold. They can make you feel really crappy. Try to rest

06-08-16, 14:59
6 days wow that's a long time.yeah I feel low energy sweating then freezing ��

---------- Post added at 12:26 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ----------

I don't feel a cold coming tho �� thanks I will

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 ----------

Got anti biotic got tonsillitis feel awful

06-08-16, 15:09
Lots of rest and plenty of fluids, Beckie. Plenty of vitamin C too.

It's unpleasant but it will go. When it starts easing off you will realise it's nothing to worry about.

Try not to let it introduce worries of more serious things, anxiety does that and we need to learn to head it off at the pass and stop it's gallop. It's a test in your recovery, just do your best and accept it, if you struggle don't berate yourself because it's not failure, it's part of the learning process of recovery and you've been doing so much better.

06-08-16, 16:03
Thanks Terri for your words in hoping they kick in soon I've never felt so ill my throat feels like its been cut ��

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 15:38 ----------

Shud the anti biotic control the temp coz I'm still cold then sweating

06-08-16, 16:07
Antibiotics can take up to 48 hrs to really kick in. Your temperature is your body's safety system, reaction to the unwanted intruder, the infection.
Plenty of fluids, sipped as often as you can, and regular paracetamol will help the temp come down.

06-08-16, 16:11
Beckie, as everyone is saying, you have a nasty cold. The symptoms are normal and take time, rest, plenty of fluids etc. as everyone is telling you. Being sick sucks but you'll be fine.

That being said, good going on your recovery! Something like this would have sent you into a nasty spiral a few short months ago. You've made remarkable progress. Keep up the good work and feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

06-08-16, 16:22
I've got tonsillitis I went to docs early got anti biotics

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:18 ----------

Do u think there's a chance of tonsil cancer ��

06-08-16, 16:25
Step away from the rabbit hole! :D Log off and relax, watch a movie... you know the deal. You're feeding your fears here.

Positive thoughts

06-08-16, 16:44

---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

Wud I feel improvement by now

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

I've taken two lots

06-08-16, 16:47
If you felt an improvement after only 2 lots of antibiotics it would be some kind of wonder drug! I'd say you should start noticing the difference come Monday. Just try to chill out. Worrying will probably make you feel even more ill.

06-08-16, 17:30
I'm just sweating constantly

06-08-16, 17:39
Read the previous replies.

06-08-16, 18:19
I'm an expert in tonsilitis. Been prone to it since I was a kid, although I rarely get it nowadays. Some people seem to be able to largely tolerate it, but it absolutely destroys me.

The pain I experience with tonsilitis is so severe it almost brings me to tears. The combination of severe, relentless pain and fever leaves me unable to leave my bed.

I've had it countless times, and I'm fine. It can be a horrible thing, but it will pass. Have you taken any painkillers?

06-08-16, 18:24
Thankyou yes I have but I struggle to take tablets and gota take antibiotics 4 times a day ��

06-08-16, 18:27
Just remember that, although it might be a struggle, it will make you better. Painkillers should take the edge off. They always do for me.

07-08-16, 08:24
Is it normal to still feel bad today ?

07-08-16, 08:42
I've never felt so ill in my life I've bee told it's tonsillitis I'm on day 2 of antibiotics and feel no better �� worried its something more serious has anyone else had it this bad

07-08-16, 09:01
Infections can make you feel ill unfortunately. As tonsillitis also causes sore throat it can make matters seem even worse. It can take 2 full days (48 hours) from when you first started taking them to work.

07-08-16, 15:05
Is it normal to have neck pain like a stiff neck

07-08-16, 15:06
I seem to have stopped sweating now but still very little energy and sore throat ��

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

Is it normal to have neck pain like a stiff neck

07-08-16, 15:25
Yes! I had tonsillitis a few years back and I was so ill. Never felt worse. Didn't get out of bed for nearly 2 weeks.

07-08-16, 16:24
It's totally normal to feel "sick" when you're sick! ;) That includes everything you've described and a whole lot you didn't. You have a rather common illness that you're being treated for. You've been through things like this before.

Take your meds, get rest, stay hydrated and it will pass in a week or so.

Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

07-08-16, 16:26
Did u have anti biotics

07-08-16, 16:39
I did. Gave me thrush lol.

07-08-16, 16:40

I had tonsillitis/strep throat back in March, and had never felt so ill as I did then. I was shaking uncontrollably with a high temp, my throat felt like I had swallowed glass, and the list goes on.

2 days of oral antibiotics is not long enough yet. Ballpark figure to start to feel better is 48 hours, but that is on IV antibiotics which hit the system far quicker than oral meds. You need to hang in there and continue the course AND MAKE SURE YOU COMPLETE IT, and things will improve.

Nobody feels good with an infection. YouR immune system is fighting so it is par for the course, I'm afraid.

07-08-16, 17:20
I feel so unwell I'm so hungry to but simply cant eat feel like balling my eyes out.wen I'm better I'm having a fry up;!;!

07-08-16, 17:24
wen I'm better I'm having a fry up;!;!

Sounds like a good plan ;-)

I must have been lucky with my tonsillitis judging by the comments on here. I was quite ill the first time I had it but that wasn't until I had an allergic reaction to the Penicillin. The second time I was in agony and felt a little off but I could still go about my day as normal.

Hope you're feeling better soon Beckie.

07-08-16, 17:34
Sounds like a good plan ;-)

I must have been lucky with my tonsillitis judging by the comments on here. I was quite ill the first time I had it but that wasn't until I had an allergic reaction to the Penicillin. The second time I was in agony and felt a little off but I could still go about my day as normal.

Hope you're feeling better soon Beckie.

Tonsilitis affects people differently. I know people who go about their life as if nothing's wrong when they have it. When I have it, I feel as if I'm actually being tortured. The pain is unbearable.

I would add that I've also had it a few times where I didn't feel so bad. But when it really gets me, it destroys me for about a week.

07-08-16, 17:37
Thanks guys��

07-08-16, 17:45
Ice lollies, the little ice pop type. Let them melt a bit then trickle over the back of your throat, helps numb the pain. Also there's Chloroseptic spray, tastes disgusting but numbs your tonsils.

07-08-16, 18:31

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-08-16, 21:29
I've just looked at my tonsils with a torch and there covered in pus its disgusting!! No wonder I feel so bad ��

07-08-16, 21:34
I've just looked at my tonsils with a torch and there covered in pus its disgusting!! No wonder I feel so bad ��

Aw really, yes that's what mine were like. Hopefully you'll recover soon. It's awful but usually a very quick recovery.

07-08-16, 21:56
Thankyou x

08-08-16, 00:43
Becky, you probably have a strep throat. Pus on the tonsils is a classic sign.

I have had tonsillitis a fair few times sadly, and I never had it as badly or had a fever with it until that time I mentioned, back in March this year. Tonisllitis is usually viral, but strep needs antibiotics, so you have the right treatment.

A few things will REALLY help your recovery here.

1. Regular pain relief. Preferably Ibuprofen if you are able to take it.

2. Regular warm salt water gargling. This helps hugely to clean the throat and calm down inflammation and pain.

3. NO COLD DRINKS and definitely NOTHING ICY!!! It used to be that years ago, the recommended thing to soothe the throat was stuff like ice cream, but that is now NOT SO with a bacterial infected throat. Ice/cold drinks flare up the bacteria and infection again - reactivate it, so you need to stick to warm drinks and stuff like soup. When I had my throat, I was on holiday in Spain, and received a right bollocking from the doctor I saw during a follow up appt after I admitted to having had a cold drink or two!!

4. Rest. You need to give you body a chance to fight the infection.

5. Take your antibiotics regularly and finish the entire course. THAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT.

Hope you feel better soon. x

08-08-16, 01:03
Probably best to follow the advice from the medical professional. I know what soothed me, and it wasn't soup and warm drinks lol - but each to their own! I just edited this and it disappeared, 2nd time lucky.

I know that post tonsillectomy children are not allowedice cream because of susceptibility to infection post surgery. But it's interesting that neither the NHS website, nor Patient UK make any mention of the need to avoid ice and cold drinks - only acidic ones. I wonder why? Strange..you'd think something of importance like this would be included.

08-08-16, 03:01
Probably best to follow the advice from the medical professional. I know what soothed me, and it wasn't soup and warm drinks lol - but each to their own! I just edited this and it disappeared, 2nd time lucky.

I know that post tonsillectomy children are not allowedice cream because of susceptibility to infection post surgery. But it's interesting that neither the NHS website, nor Patient UK make any mention of the need to avoid ice and cold drinks - only acidic ones. I wonder why? Strange..you'd think something of importance like this would be included.

I will admit that I had never heard this advice myself, up to the point I saw this doctor.

I think the difference here may be STREP infection, rather than a normal viral tonsillitis. A virus just takes it course, so anything that soothes it is probably pretty ok, but strep bacteria apparently reactivates with cold stuff. Given the choice I would far rather have a cold drink over a warm one, as the natural thing to feel like is something to cool down and numb the abrasive feeling of a sore throat, but this doctor said at all costs avoid it as it will be counterproductive. :shrug:

As for the NHS website and suchlike, no idea. But then it isn't unheard of for the NHS to still be living in the dark ages when it comes to advice. An NHS doctor wanted to put me under, open up my neck and remove a thyroid cyst, insisting that it couldn't be done any other way.

I had it drained in less than 5 minutes via a syringe and needle by an endocrine surgeon in the private sector who couldn't believe his ears when I told him what the NHS 'advised.'

08-08-16, 04:48
Just to pick up on what you have said, Debs. Strep throat, along with other possible physical factors, has been shown to cause a temporary state of OCD in children. Once they are treated, it goes again. I don't think that research has advanced to adults yet but it's been 12 months since I've read about it all.

So, if someone has OCD already I think it's plausible that they could see an increase in intensity.

08-08-16, 08:55
Thanks for your comments its completely wiped me out 3td day of anti biotic today so hoping to see some improvement

08-08-16, 09:16
Bless you Beckie, it sounds horrible, and not great when you have your son to look after.

On the plus side hats off to you for working your way through from thinking it is cancer back to a strep throat.

08-08-16, 10:14
I feel bit better today so hopefully over the worst of it and things will improve

---------- Post added at 09:58 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

I've never felt so ill in my entire life �� horrendous

---------- Post added at 10:14 ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 ----------

Still sweating tho dont no if that's normal.itl be 48 hours on antibiotics at 1pm today

08-08-16, 13:27
Just to pick up on what you have said, Debs. Strep throat, along with other possible physical factors, has been shown to cause a temporary state of OCD in children. Once they are treated, it goes again. I don't think that research has advanced to adults yet but it's been 12 months since I've read about it all.

So, if someone has OCD already I think it's plausible that they could see an increase in intensity.

Wow Terry, that is both interesting and scary research.

I know that strep can create a whole host of spin off stuff. It is certainly not a pleasant bacteria, that is for sure, It is far more complex than one thinks too. As I mentioned earlier, I'd had bog standard tonsillitis a few times, but this one was the worst. I usually try the help myself thing first with bucket loads of Vit C, honey and lemon tea, salt water gargling and a ton of pain relief, but was getting nowhere this time! :wacko:

Gary A
08-08-16, 14:20
I feel bit better today so hopefully over the worst of it and things will improve

---------- Post added at 09:58 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

I've never felt so ill in my entire life �� horrendous

---------- Post added at 10:14 ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 ----------

Still sweating tho dont no if that's normal.itl be 48 hours on antibiotics at 1pm today

You probably won't see or feel much noticeable improvement for about 4-5 days. Depending on the severity of the infection, though, it could be over a week.

Just take your tablets as prescribed and relax. You'll be absolutely fine.

08-08-16, 15:02
You probably won't see or feel much noticeable improvement for about 4-5 days. Depending on the severity of the infection, though, it could be over a week.

Just take your tablets as prescribed and relax. You'll be absolutely fine.

It's totally normal to feel "sick" when you're sick! ;) That includes everything you've described and a whole lot you didn't. You have a rather common illness that you're being treated for. You've been through things like this before.

Take your meds, get rest, stay hydrated and it will pass in a week or so].

Feel better soon!

You know what they say about great minds... :D

Positive thoughts

08-08-16, 15:07
My throat feels bit better today and I manage to pop to town as wanted to get up and about but think I didn't too much coz I've used up all my energy ��

08-08-16, 15:16
Once you start to feel better it generally only goes in one direction. Keep taking the antibiotics and painkillers. In a couple more days you should notice a big difference.

I remember well that moment with my bad throats when I'd suddenly notice I felt a bit better. It was such a relief.

15-08-16, 00:01
Hi Beckie.

Would be great to hear how you're feeling now. Hope you're better.