View Full Version : How can we be sure it's anxiety?

06-08-16, 18:36
This is a question which, as anxiety sufferers, we often ask. The question in itself is surely an indication that what we have is anxiety. I've accepted that what I have is anxiety, but this isn't helping me to move forward as my symptoms and fears are constantly changing, and so new questions are continually raised.

I'm posting as I'm having a bad week with my anxiety. I've shifted my fear, which has previously centred around MS and leukaemia, to a deep concern about schizophrenia. I know this is a common concern for anxiety sufferers, but I can't but feel that my symptoms are unique and this is really scaring me, and I seem to be deteriorating.

I'm very worried that I'm becoming paranoid. I'm finding myself worrying that:

I'm seeing things - I keep seeing people who look like my friends and getting really worried that I'm hallucinating/being paranoid
My partner's poisoning my food - I think this is a worry that I'll worry about this, as I know it's a sign of schizophrenia
My managers at work are tracking my emails/work output - I think this is a normal concern if people are slacking (which I am doing) but again, I'm worried about the worry

I had another awful symptom the other day which I can't really explain but my head just felt like it was going to explode - I felt trapped in my head and like I was about to do something "radical/bad", but I don't know what. I had to get up and wander around to calm myself down.

I want to add that I'm under a psychologist for my eating disorder and she referred my to see a psychiatrist, who has diagnosed me with anorexia (in recovery) with co-morbid health anxiety, panic attacks and obsessional thoughts and images. But again, my anxious mind is wondering whether they've missed something or whether I wasn't honest when describing my symptoms. Could I have something wrong with me that is unique and is an unknown mental health disorder?

I'm very scared of myself and I'm finding things so hard. Can anyone relate?


06-08-16, 20:33
How can we be sure it's anxiety?

Firstly, the site you're posting on ;) Then there's the fact you're being treated by mental health professionals for the symptoms and fears you posted about. Lastly, and I know from an experience, if you think you're going crazy, you're not. Those in true delusional psychosis don't realize it.

Positive thoughts

06-08-16, 21:58
I think the 'not knowing' is a difficult thing for us all. We have anxiety, that much we do know, but that doesn't mean we are immune from true health issues and that is what we must come to terms with. I remember being told (think it was in CBT) that we can't know everything for certain. We can't have an explanation for each bump, scrape and strange thought. We need to accept that we can have little 'errors' in our body functions.

As for your Schizophrenia fear, I'm sure you aren't getting it. I have had the poisoning fears before but in regards to cups of tea people have made me. I've also recently been having thoughts that my partner is going to kill me (only when we argue). I know this is due to me being really stressed and depressed, I don't for one second think I'm becoming schizophrenic.

Good luck with your treatment.