View Full Version : This time last year!

06-08-16, 21:01
This time last year I was starting my downward spiral into obsessive, catastrophic thoughts about my health.
An insect bite was MRSA, I refused a minor op due to my anxiety and irrational thoughts (I had it the next day after I walked out of hospital sobbing uncontrollably), in my mind I believed I had the symptoms of heart attack on numerous occasions, I also convinced myself I had throat cancer to the point my dentist spent a lot of time and effort with me telling me I don't have the symptoms.
Those days were unbearable, I was existing, going through the motions, living my life in fear of death every waking moment.
I eventually started therapy in approx October time, third round of CBT and by far the most successful.
Wish I could explain it to you all, or tell you the secret but I can't. All I know is I finally beat it, haven't been to Dr's since routine appt in April, previously was there at least twice a week, I haven't smoked for 14 weeks, I walk at least 3 mile a day (previously did no exercise in case I had a heart attack!), I smile, i laugh and appreciate life again.
For all of yous that are still fighting this, keep fighting. Never give up, put together little footsteps and in time you'll have a giant leap. I've had tests along the way, recently at work we've had an inspection by our governing body, it doesn't get any more stressful but I coped, I managed, I didn't revert to any previous negative ways and I didn't smoke a single cigarette through the process.
I'm back where I belong, with my family and friends, the whole me.
Wishing you all success in your journey.

06-08-16, 21:05
Well done on reaching the promised land! :)

06-08-16, 21:10
Yes, a huge well done to you for all you have achieved!

06-08-16, 21:18
Congratulations Traceypo

06-08-16, 21:45
Thank you all, I like to check back from time to time, to see who's still here, who's missing and hopefully happy and to also give hope to those still lost.
Never give up the fight, thoughts and what ifs can't cause physical harm, it's the fear and the unknown that these thoughts create that stop us in our tracks.

07-08-16, 00:19
Congratulations :) :hugs::yesyes:

07-08-16, 04:49

You've come a long way and the positive difference is inspiring! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you move in such a positive healing direction!

Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts