View Full Version : Embarrassing- itchy bottom

07-08-16, 05:10
I'm currently suffering with an intense itching sensation around my anus. (Sorry!) I have been using anusol (cream and suppositories) to treat suspected piles, but now I'm thinking the cream might actually be irritating my skin and making it worse. The itching has definitely got more intense - to the point that it woke me up in the night. I have an overwhelming urge to scratch, but I know this will only exacerbate the problem. I've been trying to just leave it alone and see if that helps, but have had to give in and try some Sudocrem in the hope it might calm things down. I've booked an appointment for Tuesday because this is really getting me down. Can anyone relate to this problem? Did anything help?

07-08-16, 05:33
Yes!~ I had this when my Crohn's was active. No, please don;t think you have Crohns'! I had diarrhoea all the time and my butt hole was raw. I tried all sorts to ease the itching and the best thing was to pop and ice cube up there for a few seconds. Sounds silly but it really helped as itching is all about thew heat.

07-08-16, 05:35

Please don't worry about discussing things like this on here, we're all adults.

You've done the right thing. If the anusol is giving you a skin reaction, it's best to stop. You could talk to a pharmacist about this as they may recommend a different one you can purchase. If not, they will only tell you to see your GP anyway since they can try different things with you.

I've had roids for about 20 years now, they flare up at times although it was mostly in my twenties. I had intense itching at times. What my mum told me to do was to bath in salt water and this really helped.

I used suppositories and they weren't effective for me but they do help lots of people. I found the steroid foam to be the best.

What you are wearing close to them, how tight, how much sweat clothing causes, how you sit & for how long, etc can all play a factor in it when you need some relief. So, perhaps check that side of it out (some healthy Googling!) to see what you need to avoid. Tight restrictive clothing, for example, is going to make you sweat more. The same with heavy clothing.

You might find sitting on a cushion rather than a harder surface helps.

I found the salt baths took the inflammation away a bit and calmed it down.

Try not to strain too at the moment if you can. Wiping it going to make them itch too. If you have toilet paper that is gentle or moisturising, it may help. Obviously, if you buy toilet paper for that reason, I would suggest testing it out given the reaction you had. I never tried toilet paper like this, but I'm thinking maybe one of these newer wetter ones may help?

---------- Post added at 05:35 ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 ----------

pop and ice cube up there for a few seconds. Sounds silly but it really helped as itching is all about thew heat.

It sounds like something to try out with the missus for other reasons! :ohmy::blush::winks::D

07-08-16, 06:42

First thing that came to mind - and please, please don't be offended - was threadworms. Do you have any young children, or are you in contact with them, teacher or similar?
Threadworms, or pinworms as they are sometimes called, are harmless, but intensely irritating. They often cause people to freak, but they are so common, it shouldn't be something to be embarrassed about.

They have a certain life cycle, but make an appearance around the anus at night (they live in the lower bowel the rest of the time) as they emerge to lay eggs, and the itching is intense. If there's a possibility this might be the case, they look like tiny white threads that can be seen moving on the stool. Medicine and a nail brush (scrupulous hand hygiene is the order of the day) will get rid of them.

07-08-16, 07:02

First thing that came to mind - and please, please don't be offended - was threadworms. Do you have any young children, or are you in contact with them, teacher or similar?
Threadworms, or pinworms as they are sometimes called, are harmless, but intensely irritating. They often cause people to freak, but they are so common, it shouldn't be something to be embarrassed about.

They have a certain life cycle, but make an appearance around the anus at night (they live in the lower bowel the rest of the time) as they emerge to lay eggs, and the itching is intense. If there's a possibility this might be the case, they look like tiny white threads that can be seen moving on the stool. Medicine and a nail brush (scrupulous hand hygiene is the order of the day) will get rid of them.

Yes, that's a good point. They do tend to itch a fair bit (had them twice when at school, they are very common in children or people working around them).

I remember when I was young they gave you a sugary drink medicine that killed them. Later it was a tablet. Then they just get flushed out in the next movement.

I remember you also tend to be hungry a lot with them. I didn't know that about their nocturnal habits and the lifecycle, my mum would have since I was pretty young back then. I can just imagine someone with a couple of strategically placed mirrors trying to check the little blighters out!

Would any of this new antibacterial hand gel be useful? We didn't have that back then.

07-08-16, 08:49
It sounds like something to try out with the missus for other reasons! :ohmy::blush::winks::D

Believe me, Terry, when you get relief from the constant, agonizing itching it probably feels as good as anything on the kinky side. I felt like I'd discovered a miracle treatment!

07-08-16, 09:41
When I have an itchy bum I drag myself along the grass like our dogs.:D.

07-08-16, 09:59
When I have an itchy bum I drag myself along the grass like our dogs.:D.



07-08-16, 10:01
Yes, that's a good point. They do tend to itch a fair bit (had them twice when at school, they are very common in children or people working around them).

I remember when I was young they gave you a sugary drink medicine that killed them. Later it was a tablet. Then they just get flushed out in the next movement.

I remember you also tend to be hungry a lot with them. I didn't know that about their nocturnal habits and the lifecycle, my mum would have since I was pretty young back then. I can just imagine someone with a couple of strategically placed mirrors trying to check the little blighters out!

Would any of this new antibacterial hand gel be useful? We didn't have that back then.

As a parent of kids who just loved to bite their nails/suck their thumbs, it is amazing how quickly the knowledge on all bodily intruders is accrued! Hand gel is no good because they're not caused by germs per se, although it might help encourage good hand washing habits.

Life cycle is they come out at night, make the a*se itch like mad, intense itching goes on, child scratches bum in sleep, gets minute eggs under nails, sucks thumbs/chews nails and..

The circle of life I'm afraid. Now I've put everyone off their brekkie, I'll shut

07-08-16, 10:24


Yep that's me.:D.

07-08-16, 11:44
As a parent of kids who just loved to bite their nails/suck their thumbs, it is amazing how quickly the knowledge on all bodily intruders is accrued! Hand gel is no good because they're not caused by germs per se, although it might help encourage good hand washing habits.

Life cycle is they come out at night, make the a*se itch like mad, intense itching goes on, child scratches bum in sleep, gets minute eggs under nails, sucks thumbs/chews nails and..

The circle of life I'm afraid. Now I've put everyone off their brekkie, I'll shut

Especially everyone who's having eggs for breakfast! :D

Thanks, wasn't sure on the antibac. It's been over 30 years ago for me with this one!

07-08-16, 23:18
Thank you for all your replies. And for making me chuckle! 😆 I have kids but they're not that young and I don't really think it's worms. Does seem much worse at night though, so I will definitely ask the doctor about the possibility.
I've given up my 'cold turkey attempt' this evening and reached for the anusol again. Probably a mistake, but there is no mistaking that I definitely have some piles. 😕 I feel like I'm in a catch 22 situation! To cream or not to cream? 🤔 I hope the doctor will have some clear answers and guidance. Thanks again for your messages! 👍