View Full Version : Panic attacks hard to control

07-08-16, 12:56
Hi guys, so i was on the train home last night it was so so packed i managed to squeeze by the window but i was sick out the window but tried to do some breathing which prevented a panic attack, my anxiety is so bad atm & can just arise at any time but especially in a situation where i feel out of control, trapped & claustrophobic. Im finding it so hard atm that i even struggle being a passenger in a car. Has anyone found any useful coping techniques or can give me some words of wisdom to cheer me up, feeling pretty flat and useless today :unsure:

07-08-16, 13:25
hey chrissy

i am not keen on busy compact places either. my anxiety comes out of the blue too, but there has to be a cause for it to arise wether we are aware of it or not. people like to be in control or at least feel in control of situations. everyone on that train had their own internal dialogue running and as an anxiety sufferer yours will be leaning to the more negative side of outcomes, it is highly likely aswell that someone else on the train will have some form of mental health issue too. you are not alone in how you feel and there are people who have come out the other side and you can too! breathing excercises work well for most people and i believe excercise in general is one of the best things to help with symptoms, doesnt need to be hardore workout just going for a walk.

never feel useless, you have beat great odds to be here on this planet and with a positive outlook, i know this can be difficult at times, you can achieve what your heart desires.

this is the first reply to a post i have done, i hope you can take some comfort from this and wish you well on your road to recovery.

07-08-16, 17:31
hey chrissy

i am not keen on busy compact places either. my anxiety comes out of the blue too, but there has to be a cause for it to arise wether we are aware of it or not. people like to be in control or at least feel in control of situations. everyone on that train had their own internal dialogue running and as an anxiety sufferer yours will be leaning to the more negative side of outcomes, it is highly likely aswell that someone else on the train will have some form of mental health issue too. you are not alone in how you feel and there are people who have come out the other side and you can too! breathing excercises work well for most people and i believe excercise in general is one of the best things to help with symptoms, doesnt need to be hardore workout just going for a walk.

never feel useless, you have beat great odds to be here on this planet and with a positive outlook, i know this can be difficult at times, you can achieve what your heart desires.

this is the first reply to a post i have done, i hope you can take some comfort from this and wish you well on your road to recovery.

Thank you so much, your comments have moved me to tears. Thank you for ur kind words xx

07-08-16, 17:47
you are very welcome, if you ever want to chat about things just let me know

07-08-16, 18:53
You motivated me to do something. Ive just 35 mins of exercise dvd your right it does help :)

07-08-16, 19:01