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View Full Version : After shock anxiety

07-08-16, 13:29
When the situation has settled down and there's nothing left to worry about, why oh why do I start getting every anxiety symptom under the sun?????

Just to fill you in; I moved from South Africa to the UK two years ago and have been very unhappy, homesick, anxious and depressed since then. Finally we decided to return home - and in fact we fly on the 23rd of this month.

We made the decision about two months ago and I really expected that all my anxiety would lift (after all, its all I've been longing for) and I would feel so much better. (I've felt nothing but ill since we arrived here.)

But quite the opposite. My IBS reared up and won't settle down. I'm losing weight because I can't find the right things to eat. So my HA has kicked in and I have jelly legs, nausea, headaches.

I can't even enjoy this time of preparing to return home without this @$#%$#$ anxiety causing me more problems. I can't understand why I don't feel better.

07-08-16, 13:50
Hi beckybecks

im new to the forum and looking for help and support from others in a similar situation and hopefully be able to comfort and help others.

when i seen the heading of the post i thought it was to do with the horrible shot drink! alcohol is terrible for my anxiety.

if you are homesick and miss family and friends from your native country then maybe it is best to go home. in the foot of your posts it says that you have been living with anxiety and panic for 20 years but recently moved to the UK so i assume the cause of this is not due to relocating. As your symptoms got worse after coming to the Uk it may be that you will be associating the cause as being homesick and not where you want to be. Anxiey and panic dont have an on and off switch, be good if they did, so by booking a flight home will not automatically help with symptoms, your body is used to feeling anxious as you have been living with it for 20 years so it is kind of "normal" for your mind and body, it is a learned subconscious mindset. Im sure there will be stress in the moveback home that will add to your symptoms.

i wish you well in your return home and that you are able to cope with whatever life throws at you.

07-08-16, 15:15
Thank you. And yes, you're right, anxiety isn't somehing you can run away from, it follows you. But it takes something to trigger it and my move to a new country definitely triggered it for me.
What I was enquiring was whether anyone else finds that when the situation has righted itself the symptoms seem to kick in. And why do you think this happens?

07-08-16, 19:28
Hi there , yes I get this it's like an anti climax to the problem you expect to feel a massive relief then it doesn't come and you start thinking something else must be wrong or on its way , hopfully when you get home and settle back in things will calm down , change is allways a big trigger , good luck with the move .

07-08-16, 20:50
Thank you. Yes my mind is constantly looking for something else to worry about. Bad habit!

08-08-16, 19:21

Perhaps the trigger is moving? Even if you are moving back to somewhere you are more comfortable at the anxiety of actually moving might still exist. I had a very stressful job that I worked and finally was able to find a new job that reduced my stress level. I am here now and I still have anxiety but its just triggered less so. Moving from the old job to the new job however still had me anxious most times and almost borderline panic.

Sometimes its best to look at our anxiety separate from our situation and address it as such, this is a problem that doesn't have to do with where I am or what I am doing its just a problem that I have. Its almost like having a messy room and then trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the building causing the mess, just clean up the room and move on! :D

However, there are triggers to it that cause the anxiety to flare and its good to manage those triggers causing the anxiety. On the other hand though, we that suffer from anxiety are going to suffer from it nonetheless and there are always going to be triggers for it in this type of non-perfect world we live in.

Have you tried any attempts to help your anxiety? I'm sorry you are dealing with this and I hope you can get over it. I was once riddled with constant panic and anxiety but through practice and taking steps to address the anxiety I am much better.

15-08-16, 19:25
I am the same way I have to have something to worry about. It is exhausting.