View Full Version : Weight loss and continuous cancer fear

07-08-16, 15:47
Hey guys, sorry for being a pain, I feel really ridiculous most of the time from what I know is really stupid and irrational fear. I feel bad because deep down I know I am healthy, while there are many people out there that are not. I feel guilty that I am here complaining about a cough most likely from allergies and post nasal drip, while there are actually lung cancer patients fighting the fight. And as much as I try to rationalize my fears, there is always this nagging feeling, something calling me back. I have been doing a lot better these last few weeks, and have not had any strong anxiety spells, just slight nagging. But then again, if its not one thing its the other. There is always something that reminds me of my fear. It was the cough, which comes and goes like allergies tend to do. Then it was my chest pain that I feel, which is positional, I have bad posture to begin with, but I am a driver at work so Im on the road with my arms propped up on the steering wheel all day, and when I am not, I am on the computer, with a slouch. When I stand up straight with good posture I do not have pain. But that itself is healing and have not had too much pain the last few days. But now I have noticed my weight has been decreasing these last few days. I was consistantly at 250 for awhile. Then I was 249 for awhile, then on monday I see that I am 245-247. Today I am 243. I haven't been going to the gym these last two weeks, cause I was letting my body rest, plus my wife was sick with a cough, so we both took a break. I know your weight fluctuates throughout the day but my numbers have always been kind of consistent, until this week. My wife insists its the scale, she doesn't trust it, and it is a cheap 20 dollar digital scale I got at Target, but still, its that same nagging feeling. I keep telling myself that if I had cancer and my weight was dropping like this, then I would be really fatigued, which I am not, I feel perfectly fine. I don't know, I guess I am just sharing my experiences, it makes me feel better a little bit. I like coming here sometimes, sharing and listening to others, it helps a great deal. My wife has been great through all this, but I don't want to continuously worry her about this as she has her own problems to deal with. Anyways, thanks for listening and if anyone knows a good brand of scale that is actually reliable I am all ears.

07-08-16, 17:04
I'm the same with my weight. When I feel well then I'm forever trying to lose it. But when I'm in anxiety mode I'm constantly checking. Anxiety does kill the appetite and often I cant eat, but I keep weighing myself and then panic because I've lost weight! Ridiculous.... I have to actually hide the scale otherwise it's just another thing to worry about.

Cheap scales are hardly ever accurate but you can test them if you have something like a bag of flour to weigh.

With Health Anxiety I think our minds are constantly scanning our bodies to find somehing to worry about. It's awful and I wish. Could find the 'off' switch.

07-08-16, 17:07
Cancer survivor here. That's not a drastic weight loss. Heck, I've lost several pound in an hour after a good sit on the loo ~lol~ Like you said, you know you're healthy and you've been working out. Even with a lay off, your body's metabolism is still kicking.

Positive thoughts

07-08-16, 23:25
Yeah, so I just bought a new scale today and I am 242, obviously different scale means different weight, so I will monitor my weight some more. Maybe I am over thinking things a lot, and am just looking for a sign I am sick. I was around 249 at the doctors on the 6th of July, but I was wearing my clothes so probably 247. So I guess 3-4 pounds in that period wouldn't be that bad, although it just seems like I noticed the weight change this week. I also realized this week that I need to calibrate digital scales everytime you move them, which I didn't which might explain why I was weighing the same for that long period of time until this week.

08-08-16, 00:34
When weighing yourself make sure to try to do it around the same time of the day while wearing the same type of clothing.

You also mentioned that you know weight fluctuates throughout the day. This is true. The amount of water your body retains fluctuates from the amount your bathroom usage during the day to the amount of sodium intake in a particular day or meal.

Don't be alarmed.