View Full Version : Im leaving NMP

21-03-07, 21:07
Hi to anyone who knows me , I know this is a bit sudden but I have decided its time to leave NMP. It has been my saviour in the past and I have made some great friends and have made great progress using this site.

I will miss all the laughs we have daily but you know what, Its time I get back onto my own two feet, cos ive realised that there is a world out there that needs me to explore it :winks: .

Gosh this is really hard for me to do :weep: , thank you so much everyone.

keep your goals in sight and you will get there one day:hugs: .

mirry xxxxxxxxxx

21-03-07, 21:11
Good luck mirry and take care

Trac xx

21-03-07, 21:28
All the best Mirry!!!:shades:

You will be missed:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

21-03-07, 21:49

Please reconsider as I would hate you to go because of the other thread.

You have a super investigative nature that has given us many an interesting thread. We all have our different opinions and I know how upset you are at the direction the other thread took.

Personally I think it was a very useful and valuable thread for making us all examine our basic instincts on a very emotive subject and it certainly made me reassess long held beliefs and challange them - that's a good thing.:)

Sometimes when I feel a little out of step with other's opinions it makes me think a little - and then grow alot!!

Be proud that you raised the topic and see what you can get from it but don't leave because of it hun, as that would be a loss on all sides.

Piglet :flowers:

21-03-07, 21:56
Good luck Mirry. I often consider leaving myself as I spend too much time at my pc. HOwever, if you feel it's time to go, best wishes.

21-03-07, 22:00
sorry Piglet, It has made me question myself, in many ways.
Having an investigating nature just isnt helpfull all the time.
I am so sensitive to the injustis in the world, I can not understand how people can be so cutting , all i was doing was trying to help yet I was feeling like I was defending my beliefs and that my beliefs were wrong.

21-03-07, 22:59
Dont go Mirry:weep: :weep: :weep:
you did an interesting thread,dont let it get you down pet.You have lots of friends here and you will be missed.:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

22-03-07, 00:05
sorry Piglet, It has made me question myself, in many ways.
Having an investigating nature just isnt helpfull all the time.
I am so sensitive to the injustis in the world, I can not understand how people can be so cutting , all i was doing was trying to help yet I was feeling like I was defending my beliefs and that my beliefs were wrong.

:hugs: Mirry!!!!!!!!!! I think we all we need a hug!!! its been a highly emotive thread!! I am sure many of us are still left thinking about whats happened here today. Please reconsider , your imput here is just a valuable as anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have a right to defend your beliefs, like everyone else, but when its a debate, it opens the door for challenging our beliefs, our opinions, etc......... which is clearly what has happened . I hope you will stay!!!! Love Sky

22-03-07, 00:10
Hi Mirry,

I agree with the others that you shouldn't leave because of the other thread.

However if you do still decide to go I wish you all the very best and will really miss reading your posts and hearing from you.

Take care,


Lisa x

22-03-07, 00:30

Sorry for not replying to your PM yet - been one of those busy days and was out from 6pm - 10.45.

I have read the thread and I don't think people were deliberately getting at you but when you are upset over something then anything anyone says can effect you badly.

I have been there myself many times with threads on here.

Don't leave just because of the thread - people said sorry if they thought they hurt you and I don't think anyone meant to.

Hope you change your mind tomorrow.

22-03-07, 08:50
:hugs: Hiya Mirry, How are you feeling today hon? sky

22-03-07, 10:35
Dear Mirry:hugs: please dont leave hon:weep: Oh dear,you started a wonderful thread mirry,tho very emotive:ohmy: .That's the problem with debates,they can get heated and folk speak quickly and from a rather heated heart :mad: and it can cause upset.Erm, that is why i tend to not enter the arena so to speak:blush: .What will we do with out your wisdom and the diet thread,hey hon ,i may hit the biccy tin...oh bother i threw it out:wacko: You have been here for us Mirry,you were one of the first people to welcome me to this site a year ago:D So iam here for you now.Dont be upset hun,no one would intentionally hurt you i am sure:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-03-07, 12:42
Good luck in the future Mirry hope everything goes well for you take care love Julie xxxxxx

22-03-07, 13:15
Hey Mirry hows things today pet?:)

22-03-07, 13:15
Hi Mirry,

I have always enjoyed your posts and will be sad:weep: to see you go. I hope you will reconsider as we will all miss you.

Take care hun

Barb x

22-03-07, 13:56
allthough i dont know you as i am quite new on here, i have posted on the other thread and i hope that today you feel better and decide to stay as your opinions are very valued i am sure and i think you started a great post there but it just got a little heated.
Take care and please dont feel down
Nikki x

25-03-07, 21:34
I don't know you either or what's happened BUT for what it's worth I go on another board and often get upset by replies to threads.....I suppose we have to learn to ignore them which isnt easy for a sensitive soul...I know believe me.

Don't leave for this reason.

People like us

I feel a tremor in my heart
That's what one feels at the start

A nightmare begins to unfold itself
Thoughts of uncertainty about your health
Avoidance is the cure for me.
Go nowhere ......see nobody,
A lonely world, an alien existence
your problems are all that you enhance.
Dwell on troubles, negative thoughts,
It's not just you who’s "out of sorts".
Yes it is a sad, mad world
but you have reasons for your panic.
You're not going down like the Titanic.
Positive things will come from this experience.
Yes, one day it will all make sense.
You'll be happy and free from all of this.
Panic is something you'll not miss.
The future is bright and you will have love,
If not down here then from above.
It is the most horrific event.
From hell these panic attacks were sent.
There is a way into perfect health,
when the Panic Monster will panic himself,
then you will realise he can be slain,
get that knowledge and lose your pain.
Don't let this Monster make you dull,
Enjoy your life to the full!
Fly free again like a beautiful dove
and remember the power of positive love.
"People like us" have a lot to offer,
and we definitely do not deserve to suffer.
Remember you are a wonderful soul
who would love to simply rock n' roll.
With the gift of life and power to love too,
I hope these words mean something to you.
So good luck and to you I wish a positive life.
Say goodbye to all of this trouble and strife.
And if you panic, do it in style,
and know that it goes away in a while.
And remember you've made some new friends,
Coz "people like us" care about how it ends.

26-03-07, 02:47
Mirry -
Please don't leave us!!!!!!!
I have found so many of your posts thought provoking and informative. You contribute greatly to the discussions on this site and would be sorely missed!!!!
I understand that you feel like there were personal attacks made in the other thread but please just chalk it up to a heated debate about a subject that in my view is a very important one and worth debating.
Please reconsider and don't go .....PLEASE?????!!!!!!

26-03-07, 10:44
Hi friends :) , I came on here to read my private messages and have recieved so much love, its been impossible to avoid :flowers: .
WOW, I didnt realise just what good friends I have made on here over the years and your replies have made me :weep: but with a :D .

I must admit I was extreamly sensitive to the other post, why i dont know ?
Apart from the fact "that that night" I went down with the most disgusting cold and sore throat and I was pre menstrual too !

But something came to me as I was laying on the sofa with my sore throat and cold, it was the fact that id lost touch with my mindfulness...and Id been doing so well at it :ohmy: . In the words of mindfulness, you dont look back at the past or forward at the future. What matters is NOW because the past has gone, and NOW makes up the future.
I have decided to stay :yesyes: and will also be trying to get out and about alot more this year to gain more independance, I can not turn my back on the good friends Ive made on here and would like to say a big
THANK YOU :hugs: .
People like us , your poem was amazing THANK YOU.

26-03-07, 11:31
WOW, I didnt realise just what good friends I have made on here over the years and your replies have made me :weep: but with a :D .

In the words of mindfulness, you dont look back at the past or forward at the future. What matters is NOW because the past has gone, and NOW makes up the future.

I have decided to stay :yesyes: and will also be trying to get out and about alot more this year to gain more independance, I can not turn my back on the good friends Ive made on here and would like to say a big
THANK YOU :hugs: .
People like us , your poem was amazing THANK YOU.

Hiya Mirry!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I don't know you very well, but its really wonderful you've decided to stay, as well as getting on with other things in your life!!!:yesyes: Sometimes when were feeling vulnreable we can often forget the good things we get from others as well as giving, we are supportive of each other and mindfulness is about living in the HERE AND NOW, and that is something you understand very well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want you to know, that many people on here inspire me, and I am going to write a post later about living in the HERE AND NOW inspired by YOU, hope you get the time to read it later.

So good to have you back, and people like us, that is a beautiful poem!!!!! stay happy Mirry and stay positive!!!!!!!!!! love sky:hugs:

26-03-07, 13:18
But something came to me as I was laying on the sofa with my sore throat and cold, it was the fact that id lost touch with my mindfulness...and Id been doing so well at it :ohmy: . In the words of mindfulness, you dont look back at the past or forward at the future. What matters is NOW because the past has gone, and NOW makes up the future.

Oh well done old bean - exactly the right use for mindfulness, see it's paying off!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-03-07, 13:47
hey Mirry....wonderful you've decided to stay hun :) x

26-03-07, 14:25
Hi Mirry, are you leaving because you want to, or because of something said?.
If so please reconsider, sounds like you have many friends here


26-03-07, 14:27
YA, mirry why are you leaving us?:shrug:

26-03-07, 14:28
Just read nikki 22 tread, so you are staying that,s great.:yesyes:

26-03-07, 18:47
Sky, I am looking forward to your post about the here and now , I love anything to do with mindfulness, it has really been my saviour lately :yesyes: .

I went shopping today ON MY OWN IN THE TOWN CENTER :winks: AND...........

not one panic attack and not even one bit of anxiety (thats never happens).

I forgot that panic and anxiety ever exsisted and spent £80 !!!

It was fantastic, Im on such a high, what a fantastic day its been for me, reading all your lovely posts and shopping on my own panic free,,,

Ive waited 6 years for a day like today :hugs: .

26-03-07, 18:56
Aww that's brilliant mate :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

26-03-07, 23:19
Hi Mirry,

What a lovely post to read, you did so well today, well done :yesyes: . Seems being anxiety free may get expensive though lol :D

Good to hear you're staying here too :D


27-03-07, 08:43
Retail therapy beats all other types of therapy methinks lol. Well not really but it does dove tail nicely in with them!

28-03-07, 16:51
good luck with the future Mirry, Don't forget every journey starts with a single step.

29-03-07, 11:29
Oh Mirry hun:hugs: so glad you didn'tleave us:D And how utterley fantastic you went to the shops without panic,i am so thrilled for you hun,when that happens it is so magical,i can feel all your happy bubbles:D Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx