View Full Version : Health anxiety & pregnancy

08-08-16, 10:39
How did you moms get through it without being constantly worried that something is wrong? I have had a horrendous pregnancy with severe sickness until 20weeks, awful pgp to the point i can barely walk. Im 32 weeks now and i am so frightened of something going wrong in labour. Constantly worried something is wrong when he is having a quiet day. In have a diabetes test tomorrow and im so afraid of needles my mum and partner are both coming to support me as i always end up in a complete state on the floor with the midwifes not knowing what to do! Don't really know what im asking, i guess just some reasurrance from the anxious mommies out there

08-08-16, 16:07
Sorry I don't have any experience with pregnancy and health anxiety as my health anxiety started when my daughter was 5, but I do often wonder how I'd cope with a pregnancy now.

Have you spoken to your midwife about this fear?

08-08-16, 22:03
I'm afraid I don't have children, so probably can't say anything too useful.
My health anxiety shot up from mild to severe when I was caring for very ill elderly parents. Knowing you're solely responsible for another human being is very, very frightening - the fear that something will happen to them, the fear that you aren't good enough to take care of them properly and the fear of what impact it would have on them if something happens to you all weigh very heavily on your mind. I know it doesn't help much, but the fact that your are so anxious is a sign of how much you care about your baby and what a good, loving mum you are going to be

With pregnancy, the hormonal changes are probably also making you feel more anxious. Like KeeKee says, it's a good idea to tell your midwife and your doctor how you are feeling. If you can get help with the anxiety, it will benefit both you and the baby.

Wish I could say something more helpful. All the best for the diabetes test and the birth. <3

09-08-16, 00:25
Thank you. The midwives are aware as they have seen first hand my panic attacks :( they did offer to have me see their phsycologist so i guess i should take them up on that. Cant hurt

09-08-16, 03:44
Pregnancy isn't easy! I was terrified when I had our daughter. Nurses expect their patients to be nervous. If it helps, I hardy remember anything from the time I went into the hospital. I remember the major moments but I couldn't put them in order they happened. I remember that it was Eztrwmely painful but I can't remember the pain. I remember we my baby girl and that's mostly it. If you haven't had any complications up till now then you will be just fine. :) PM me if you wanna talk further!

09-08-16, 04:25
Hi nineteen,

I'm also pregnant but way behind you at only 10 weeks 4 days! Like you also I've had a huge flare in anxiety since becoming pg... mine is centered around there being something seriously wrong with me that forces me to terminate. These are ivf babies ( I'm due twins) and I currently have to inject myself twice a day - so don't have the Issue with needles!!!

I have been referred for anxiety support via the midwives... def try to access something similar and grab all the help you can get. Keep your eyes on the prize... millions get through pregnancy and birth every week. Xxx

09-08-16, 06:30
I'm 32 weeks pregnant too and I am also constantly worried about going into labor. I am terrified something will go wrong, and I have other symptoms I'm worried about so it's a mixture of hell. I just hate this! I have my good days and my terrible days I can't take the way I'm feeling right now I'm panicking x

09-08-16, 14:39
Remember that they can see problems with delivery before they happen. Drs have come along way. If the baby is in the wrong position they have ways to move the baby before you go into labor. I had problems when I gave birth with getting the baby under my pelvic bone. But my dr used baby shampoo to lube up her head to get her out easier. They all have their tricks and they know what they are doing. Fear in this situation is totally normal. My biggest suggestion is to pack a bathrobe and slippers and your own pads because the hospital ones are pretty much diapers:/ you guys will be just fine and you will have your babies before you know it. I would do it all again if I had to. Even tho my 6 year old is a mouthy little thing and she was easier in my belly but I'd still do it again!

16-08-16, 18:39
Please remember that not only are you going through a life-altering event, but your hormones are OUT OF CONTROL right now..and that can affect your perception. All three of my pregnancies, I was certifiable.

Also, remind yourself you're going through this for your little one. Your will to survive is huge..as is your instinct to protect your child.

18-08-16, 14:22
Hi, just wondering how you're getting on nineteen? I'm 12 weeks tomorrow... I'm so worried about my little ones. I have my scan tomorrow and scared they will find something wrong. I've had 5 losses in the past and no live births... I guess it's understandable to be anxious. I so wish I could just relax and be carefree like most other pregnant ladies.


19-09-16, 01:12
Hi space bunny, hope everything went well at your scan! Im 38 weeks now and still pretty petrified about labour. I guess all i can do is see what happens from now. Ive had no complications at all leading up to this point. Im mainly afraid of the pain of labour, and at the moment my irrational fear is having a heart attack during birth! This stems from when i have bad period pain or toilet cramps, i get palpitations... So now that has turned into 'how will i cope with the pain of labour'... Thanks for all your replies guys xx

20-09-16, 04:52
Hi nineteen, I'm sorry to see that you're feeling so anxious about the birth. I just had my third baby on Friday, and was anxious about it for the first time! I found reading lots of positive birth stories was very helpful, as well as reminding myself that I was having a healthy, complication-free pregnancy. It might also help to familiarise yourself with exactly what the body is doing during labour so you know what different sensations are... For example, I know that when I suddenly shift from "I got this" to "no way can I do this'" then my body is about to start pushing and it's almost over. Some of the sensations can feel scary because they are uncontrollable, but they are coming from your body, so they'll never be stronger than you. And if you decide you want pain relief, you always have that option, so don't worry too much about that aspect.

I had a cardiologist referral during pregnancy due to racing heart rate, and got the all clear, though symptoms persist. I won't lie, I was really worried about that ahead of time, but my hr never got above 75 during my labour! I was in the zone and not thinking about anything but getting through and letting my body do its thing, and that really demonstrated to me how much of my heart fears were anxiety-based. You are in safe hands and will be monitored closely. your midwives will be watching for any sign of trouble and will get you any help you need. Sending you healthy, happy labour vibes!