View Full Version : Heart problems

08-08-16, 18:48

My anxiety had been pretty much okay for the last year or so. This started up again through a panic attack where my heart started beating super fast.

anyway ever since then I have had an obsession with my heart.

I was on the way the work and my fingers and lips went numb and I was convinced it was stroke / heart related and ever since then I have become even more obsessed.

My resting heart rate ranges from 68-90 BPM (I am 19 by the way).

Anyway, i have been getting a pain in my chest life where my left breast is and it is more painful when I press it which I worry is a sign of heart trouble.

I also get this feeling like I can't breathe properly and so its hard to have a conversation with someone.

I went to the gym and ran for about 2mins and then the running machine was like heart rate is too high (187) anyway I have been back for about 2 hours and my heart rate os still in the 90s and doesn't seem to be reducing.

I am also getting the chest pain.I am also due on so I'm like is it related to that i don't even know anymore sometimes anxiety is so hard to understand.

Its so hard with heart issues because you start thinking what came first the anxiety or heart problem.

I think what particularly worried me was the machine telling me my heart rate was too high and now its getting me anxious.

Anyway I keep getting worried about this and needed some advice.

I am going through some changes at the moment so i don't know if this is what set my anxiety off... all i know is that i am in a right state.

Hope everyones well!

Thanks a lot :)

12-08-16, 21:05
Gym machines are absolutely not accurate for heart rates! Unless you were wearing a heart rate monitor you can't know for sure - I used to use one just to monitor my runs and gym machines tend to go higher than the real.

Also it's pretty normal when you run hard to get a very fast heart rate, especially if you're going really fast.

As far as the resting heart rate is concerned, it could well be the anxiety causing this. That's what my doctor said when I asked about it! Before my anxiety kicked off it was around 60 as I exercise and run a lot. But since I've had severe anxiety for the last 3 months I've had a higher heart rate too, around 80. On days with less anxiety it's lower, when my anxiety is worse my heart rate is higher too!

My advice is: stop poking around and try to stop thinking about it for a day or two. Maybe the sensations will disappear! And maybe also try to see your GP!

12-08-16, 21:13
Hi, thank you very much for the reply :) (and the support), I hope you are doing well your self. After this post later that night the vision thing actually returned.. the only way I can describe it is like looking at a bright light and part of your vision disappears.. so when i was looking at the TV part of it was blank. This lasted for about 20 mins, this then went and i was left feeling extremely tired, and then my hand went numb and my lip and mouth once again. This whole thing lasted around an hour before i was able to kind of relax and go to sleep.

I then felt ok and went to sleep, have been feeling very anxious ever since.

Can this really be down the anxiety? there was just over a month gap since the last time this occurred.

I wondered if it was to do with dilation of my pupils, obviously I was already getting my self in a state about the whole gym thing.