View Full Version : Does time really heal?

08-08-16, 23:05
Moreso than a panic disorder, benzo trauma is what I have been going through.. I never had a Panic attack up to the first day I took Ativan, although I had general anxiety .. I took it for two months and here we are six months later.. I'm nowhere near as bad, at all! But I still have the fear I had back then.. The fear to do certain things like travel far from home etc.. So does time heal? Can I expect this to reduce?

08-08-16, 23:27
Hi there,

Sorry you're going through this, its a mess and a pain to deal with.

Do you mind me asking why you took the Attivan to begin with?

Time and patience do heal and have worked but with some people it can take a long time especially those dealing with benzo related problems. Have you tried talking to a doctor maybe about this?

Keep hydrated, lots of water, stay away from alcohol as it has a benzo-like effect and maybe some healthy diet and wait it out. It does fade away over time trust me.

09-08-16, 02:02
Its a long story as to why I started, but I certainly could have taken safer tablets...
I am out of the bad stage of the withdrawl, plus I was only on it for 2 months.. Im just hoping time will heal the rest of it

09-08-16, 12:08
Time blunts. New, positive experiences heal.