View Full Version : I might have ingested mould. Fear of cancer taking over.

09-08-16, 00:11
Hello everyone!:unsure:

I'm new to this forum - probably that's the reason why I don't feel to good about starting off with a topic like this.

However. I suffer from various anxieties, unfortunately this has been an ongoing process through the past years. I'm getting to the point now.

I'm a bit depressive right now, that's why I didn't do the dishes for like almost 2 weeks. I would only do the dishes I needed right at the moment, all the other ones would just stick around in the sink. Two wooden spoons had a whole lot of mould on them as I discovered today. Of course I tossed them.

However...now some questions are bothering me, I can't get them off my mind, they are literally controlling me right now.

The sponge could have been contaminated, I used it all the time though. What if I ingested mould from the dishes that I used to wash with said sponge?
Was that an Aspergillus flavus and do I need to worry that I could get cancer in the future because of what happened? (Aspergillus flavus is a mould that spreads cancerogenous mykotoxines...)
Did I ingest mould at all? If so, will it make me sick in the future? (Cancer?)

I know, it seems stupid. However, glad I've written it down. It's still driving me nuts but now I feel some kind of relief. At least a bit of relief after all.

09-08-16, 00:17
I think its highly unlikely you have ingested mould.
The hot water and detergent you would have used would mean this is pretty unlikely.
If, by any minuscule chance you did ingest mould, it would not do you harm, its not like you are doing it every day.
I would chuck out your sponge to put your mind at ease.

09-08-16, 00:24
Thanks for that fast response :)

I tossed that sponge of course, hell I even cut it in half to see if there are any signs of mould on it's inside. Couldn't see anything suspicious, my mind told me otherwise though. (What's if you just can't see it??) I used that sponge and all the flatware for like 1 1/5 half weeks. It is (obviously) still bothering me, but this forum makes it easier, at least for now.

Gosh, I feel weird for even thinking about such things. :scared15:

09-08-16, 01:13
We all probably ingest mold spores all the time without knowing it. I mean cheese itself is a mold as far as I know. So apart from maybe tasting bad or throwing up, I don't think it can do much else to you health wise (like cancer).