View Full Version : Bloods 7 weeks ago

22-03-07, 08:41
I have had a virus now for 14 days, the children had it for about 10 and are all better, hubby didn't even get it.

It was a temp, cold, cough, aches and pains etc..... My cold has almost gone but I was feeling so much better then yesterday I felt like I had an ulcer right at back of my throat on right side, had a look in my mouth and I have a sort of clear lump on right tonsil, isn't huge but I don't have it on the left one so that must be the thing thats causing me abit of discomfort when I move my tounge against it. I also have glands up down the tube from right ear to throat.

I was feeling better and now this??im worrying what it could be. I haven't got a sore throat. Hubby had a look and says its nothing but I don't have one on left side and its definatly whats causing me the discomfort.

I had a full blood count 7 weeks ago, am I being stupid to be thinking I could be so run down because of some kind of cancer? I have myself panickinng about lymphona or leaukemia:weep: I know the symptoms of leaukemia, not really lymphona other than itchng and raised glands. I have very itchy legs but I did shave them a few days ago and I always itch but even thats making me think what if its not that:winks:

Roll on the cbt but right now I feel I can't see my dr even if I feel ill incase he tells me off for worrying. He checked me monday said its still this virus but its only since yesterday ive had this on my tonsil, arghhhhhhhhh!

Am I panicking over nothing? surely my bloods wouldn't of changed in 7 weeks.

22-03-07, 12:46
Dont worry this bug has been passing round all my family and back again since just before New Year its a nightmare im sure you will be fine take care love Julie xxxx

23-03-07, 07:45
It is a virus that will not go away isn't it. I am still coughing and ear is blocked. My children are now fine though.

Thanks Julie

Julie x