View Full Version : Anyone had chest pain the doctor didn't even investigate?

09-08-16, 01:32
Hi fellow warriors, I feel so depressed because after waiting three weeks to see my doctor after having chest pain, she took my blood pressure and sent me on my way. I know chest pain is an anxiety symptom but I was hoping she could rule the heart out and put my mind at ease. I just feel like what the hell does blood pressure have to do with chest pain? Has anyone else been brushed aside because their doctor assumes everything is anxiety related?

Gary A
09-08-16, 01:56
Hi fellow warriors, I feel so depressed because after waiting three weeks to see my doctor after having chest pain, she took my blood pressure and sent me on my way. I know chest pain is an anxiety symptom but I was hoping she could rule the heart out and put my mind at ease. I just feel like what the hell does blood pressure have to do with chest pain? Has anyone else been brushed aside because their doctor assumes everything is anxiety related?

A lot depends on other factors like age, family history and other illnesses like diabetes. If you're below the age of 50, have no family history of heart disease and your vitals like blood pressure and pulse rate are within normal ranges, it's unlikely that your chest pain is related to any type of heart disease.

I do agree, however, that some doctors have a tendency to go for a lazy diagnosis in people with a history of health anxiety. If you genuinely feel this is the case then you should seek another doctor.

09-08-16, 02:06
Once I had really bad chest pains at my dance class, my dance teacher took me to the walk in centre, which is like 1 step below A&E. They checked my blood pressure and asked me how the chest pain felt. She told me it was muscular and sent me on my way, this was a good 2 years ago and I'm still here.

I'm sure you're fine, if there was something seriously wrong with your heart you'd be unable to breathe properly, not in the anxiety way, but literally passing out after a few minutes.

09-08-16, 15:11
I have had a ton of different chest pain complaints over the years always though it was heart until I saw a chiropractor and got my back sorted no more chest pain, so I took mine as muscular x

09-08-16, 15:23
You could ask for an ECG if you feel inclined. It doesn't take long at all, is painless and will rule out anything heart-related.

Other than that I've had chest pains since I was a teen and its all because of a particular nerve in my back that got irritated from lifting boxes in a warehouse for hours and hours during a summer. Stretching and "popping" my back usually helps it right away.

As long as there isn't any dizziness and radiating pain throughout the arms there shouldnt be any worry. Not to mention heart-related problems are very common in clinics and hospitals and doctors and nurses can point them out very easily and quickly.

09-08-16, 16:02
I have also had chest pain with no testing. It eventually went. I get the odd twinge here and there but accept it's 'normal'.

10-08-16, 02:16
Thanks everyone, the peace of mind offered here is very valuable, I'm so grateful. Funnily enough the pain has eased up. I do find having a history of health anxiety frustrating because it's hard to distinguish between illness and anxious symptoms. Then there's the matter of anxiety making illness symptoms more pronounced. Ugh!

Thanks again. Helps to know chest pain can even be muscular.

10-08-16, 22:27
Acid reflux can cause chest pains; you wouldn't believe the amount of people who go to the ER thinking they're having a heart attack and it ends up just being heartburn.

11-08-16, 04:24
That is very true about acid reflux , this happened to me . They took an EKG , MRI it was just acid reflux.