View Full Version : My left year feels slightly full compared to my right.

09-08-16, 06:34
Okay, so I am officially freaking out and losing sleep over this symptom

I've had ear fullness on my left ear for like a 4 months now. I haven't been to the doctor because I don't have a car or anyone to watch my baby. But I am now starting to worry I have a brain t.

I am seriously too scared to go to the doctor:(
I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I've even so absorbed in my pregnancy I forgot to worry about my ear symptom, and I'm worried it's too late to do something about it.

I'm so scared I can't take this . I really hate this so much. I feel like I can't hear as well from my left ear and it's been like this for a long time now. I'm so scared .

09-08-16, 08:14
Stressedanxious - this is the exact same symptom as me!!!! My left ear is feels blocked and won't pop. It started after I had anxiety about my throat so I'm assuming it's muscular tension. Apparently there are lots of muscles that hold everything in place in the ear. Also pregnant and totally get the worry. Sometimes I think I'm worrying about my health because I'm so scared of what could happen during pregnancy, so it's almost like a distraction.

Hope you feel better soon. Xxx

09-08-16, 13:41
Your not alone my left ear is more clogged than the other I have since learned that I clench my jaw all the time it can effect the eaucstian tube sorry I don't know how to spell it. And this can cause that sensation . Xx

Captain irrational
09-08-16, 14:14
For both of you, it is most likely just a build up of excess earwax. Don't let your minds run wild with notions of brain tumours or the like, because that is so profoundly unlikely to be the cause.

I have had blocked ears many, many times before (I work outdoors in quite dusty environments so I am more prone to it). Go to your local pharmacist, they should have ear drops that help dislodge and disolve the excess wax. But if you can find some way to get to the doctors, I highly recommend it as they have devices that can flush out the earwax, this is the easiest and quickest remedy.

DO NOT be tempted to poke cotton buds in your ear because they just ram the wax deeper into the ear canal and can damage the eardrum. As the old saying goes, "never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear".

09-08-16, 15:05

Every year around winter time here in the Northern US I get blocked ears either on the right or left side. Sometimes both sides and its annoying. I have ear wax softener, I take hot showers etc. All this sometimes alleviates it.

Sometimes it gets really bad and I have to have an ENT flush it out, very simple, they just take a small hose with warm water and flush all the wax out. Feels tingly is all then I'm good to go!

Once I had a friend call me and tell me that he was freaking out coz he was going deaf! I asked how he knew this and he said for days now he couldnt hear out his left ear so we went to the ER and turned out he just had wax :P.

09-08-16, 15:10
I have never thought of wax actually, I get sinus infections a lot aswell and always get this clogged ear feeling to, is it related xx

09-08-16, 15:27
Most definitely related. Ear wax softener is cheap but takes a few days if you want to get rid of it that way. Otherwise trip to a clinic and they should have tools to get rid of that annoyance.

09-08-16, 15:32
I went to this talk about hypochondria and the speaker said that hypochondriacs favour the left side of the body. Discomfort is also more likely to be felt on the left side .... and actually influences our language. .. Latin for left is sinistra and right dextra.... sinistra is the root of the word sinister and all comes from observations in medicine. #factoftheday