View Full Version : Cold extremities

09-08-16, 15:28
Hey guys,

Recently I have noticed that my feet, hands and tip of my nose always seem to be absolutely freezing. There's no pain they are just really cold. Can anyone relate to this.

09-08-16, 16:07
Whilst my extremities aren't always cold I do tend to always have a cold lower back (or love handles). My partner has always had cold feet. I think some people are just prone to it.

09-08-16, 16:33
Yeah, I can relate! My feet are always freezing, the missus goes mad if i accidentally brush her with them in the night.

I can be a symptom of Anxiety i gather.

09-08-16, 16:40
or love handles haha i like that keekee. Maybe some people are.

Oh dear colicab yeah my OH hates when my feet touch him at night lol

09-08-16, 16:46
I've thought long and hard about this one and I think I can actually diagnose the problem. You live in Scotland. Consider relocating to warmer climes.

In all seriousness, it's pretty common for women to experience cold extremities. Women's blood flow is more focused on the vital organs because of their unique ability to bear children. In men, blood flows more evenly around the body. However, we also lose our hair and die younger, so it's very much swings and roundabouts.

09-08-16, 16:54
Yep, feet, hands and nose always freezing. In fact since I've had the anxiety I've felt so cold all the time, I'm freezing now and have just put the kettle on for a hot water bottle!

09-08-16, 17:09
I have Raynauds so can relate to this. My circulation is cr*p

09-08-16, 17:13
I'm that way since treatment. Neuropathy in my feet means I can't really feel them so they can get really cold and turn blue before I realize it. My hands and overall in general I get cold easily now. Ehhh.. part of the "new normal".

Positive thoughts

09-08-16, 17:23
I've thought long and hard about this one and I think I can actually diagnose the problem. You live in Scotland. Consider relocating to warmer climes.

In all seriousness, it's pretty common for women to experience cold extremities. Women's blood flow is more focused on the vital organs because of their unique ability to bear children. In men, blood flows more evenly around the body. However, we also lose our hair and die younger, so it's very much swings and roundabouts.

:roflmao::roflmao: Thanks for that server :) Yeah its bloody cold here alot of the time, I cant handle heat though so it suits me.

aww I didnt actually think about it that way about vital organs

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ----------

Yep, feet, hands and nose always freezing. In fact since I've had the anxiety I've felt so cold all the time, I'm freezing now and have just put the kettle on for a hot water bottle!

Oh Mojo, You must be really cold you scottish aswell :P x

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

Sorry to hear that fish :( - Pulisa i have arthritis I have had it since I was a child could it be related?? xx

09-08-16, 18:10
I had to look it up but apparently it's an arthritis-related condition. It may be worth speaking to your GP about it? I'm sorry to hear of your long battle with arthritis-that must be miserable for you

09-08-16, 18:42
Hey pulisa might mention it to my Gp yeah winter time is the worse cause every joint swells and seizes :/( xx

09-08-16, 19:15
I know people that get sore joints and tendons during periods of cold and it must be awful. I know my joints dont really get sore but get very tight which causes me not to move them at all.

I used to work in a warehouse where some days I'd be outside all day in super cold weather. I'd come home and my fingers and feet would be very cold. A super hot shower usually did the trick. Wool socks and hand stretches also work well.

Whats kinda funny is that I'd experience the exact opposite in summer, my hands and feet would feel like they were on fire! Constantly cooling them off with water helped some but not alot and I'd lay tossing and turning.

Anxiety could be somewhat related but there are ways to help yourself out :)

09-08-16, 21:03
I'm the same feet hands nose and as keekee said love handles, all freezing especially at night. My feet are like blocks of ice sometimes. Though I do have wooden flooring which doesn't help.