View Full Version : I think they are panic attacks

09-08-16, 20:17
I would just like confirmation that what I experience is in fact a 'panic attack'.
I get this feeling mostly at night but it can happen in the day, if the post man comes or somebody knocks at my door, actually any noise like that will send my heart into overdrive, I feel very hot and that I can't possibly be safe, I can't remain still and sometimes find myself pacing around the house.
On occasions I have cried for no reason other than the noise that sent me in to a panic.

I dont get the feeling of not being able to breathe, but my breathing does become very irratic and I struggle to calm down.

Any advice appreciated

09-08-16, 20:25
I don't know if this is an actual panic attack but it's definitely panic in some form.

It's strange you say you mostly get it at night as I've experienced this before, nearly always in bed, at night. Sometimes a text can set it off (usually when very tired or dozing).

09-08-16, 20:34
I don't know if this is an actual panic attack but it's definitely panic in some form.

It's strange you say you mostly get it at night as I've experienced this before, nearly always in bed, at night. Sometimes a text can set it off (usually when very tired or dozing).

Yes it's very bad at night and I can be the same with a text. I get an overwhelming feeling of fear that grips me, I have tried numerous ways to push through it with no success. My doctor simply asked "why?" I react like that. Not much help.

09-08-16, 21:08
This sounds like panic to me. It can manifest itself in a variety of forms. I get night-time panic quite frequently when I'm going through a particularly tough time, so I know how awful it can be to wake up in the middle of the night all anxious and mixed up.

09-08-16, 23:14
This sounds like panic to me. It can manifest itself in a variety of forms. I get night-time panic quite frequently when I'm going through a particularly tough time, so I know how awful it can be to wake up in the middle of the night all anxious and mixed up.

Thank you, it's terrible it really is.

10-08-16, 02:40
Definitely anxiety. A panic attack is still different to anxiety. Having had panic attacks and constant anxiety, constant anxiety is the on the edge feeling and a panic attack is over the edge. From the symptoms you describe, your nerves are being shaken. That's how my anxiety disorder started. It's great that you're recognising early, what is happening and can consciously calm down.