View Full Version : Husband and conspiracy theories have me going crazy!

10-08-16, 02:55
He was watching something on tv about us all being taken out of our homes and sent to camps. Government ordered a ton of MREs and such and sent places. Military training taking place in major cities. I'm just freaking out over this. What if it's true??? He's of course not worried about it at all but now it's all I can think about. I want to hug my daughter and cry just thinking about it.

10-08-16, 03:17
Conspiracy theories are just that.... theories... Like 9/11 was a US planned attack or the moon landing was fake or the whole Obama birther thing etc. That being said, if Trump becomes president and you're Muslim or Mexican, you might have a reason to worry! ;)

Positive thoughts

10-08-16, 03:28
Just hard to believe it's a theory When they said they have all this evidence. I'm trying to be rational but my brain is just not listening

10-08-16, 06:03
It's like your anxiety has found something to attach to and feed from. As you've said reassuring you doesn't help, so I won't do that. Maybe try and think about some "real" issue in your life that is making you worried or fearful and that you are not facing....

10-08-16, 06:30
Think rationally about it.

If a government takes everybody off to camps, how will business continue? No taxes will be paid, no goods bought or sold, no international trade, etc. Your country would go bankrupt in a very short time and your government wouldn't have anything either other than a ton of citizens sitting around wanting feeding.

It's in every government's interests to keep the Status Quo. That makes them money and keeps them going. A government not making money through trade will just disappear.

10-08-16, 14:58
Thanks terry. That makes sense. I just get sucked into bad things happening and my daughter is first on my mind.