View Full Version : Ménière's disease

10-08-16, 15:24
Anyone on NMP suffer from Ménière's disease and anxiety?

10-08-16, 15:29
I have labyrintinitus I can't spell it it's similar to it though and anxiety xxx

10-08-16, 22:25
Do you have Ménière's, or just anxiety about possibly having it?

10-08-16, 22:48
I have Ménière's disease. Interested to hear from anyone with similar disorders how it affects their anxiety. My Ménière's symptoms have flared up alongside my anxiety and sometimes it's hard to distinguish which is the Ménière's or the anxiety!
How do you cope with both? How does it affect you? X

11-08-16, 02:19
My sister's boyfriend has Ménière's and at times it really stops him in his tracks, but over the years, with the help of a psychologist, he's learned how separate the anxiety and the actual disease.

12-08-16, 00:32

Can I ask did your sisters boyfriend have the anxiety first or was it as a result of the Ménière's?
I have had anxiety issues since 2001 but my Ménière's was only diagnosed last year.
Most of my attacks had been mild but these are more debilitating now.
Ménière's can cause some odd symptoms resulting in people feeling really uneasy especially before an attack, I think that's how we have trouble differentiating what's the disease or the anxiety.