View Full Version : Sinus cancer fear!

10-08-16, 16:36
Hi, so since December 2014 I have had terrible nasal/ sinus problems .... since January 2015 my right side of my nose has been completely blocked. Every time I blow my nose there is blood and today I coughed up phlemb and there was blood in this. My right side of my face is painful and now I have points on my head and next to my eyes that ache ... I have bee to my doctor who has referred me to an ENT specialist ... I feel scared that I have cancer ... I suffer terrible from H/A and would like to know has anyone else ever had any of these symptoms and it was or was not cancer? I'm really scared and feel like I am going to be told it's terminal!! Thanks x

10-08-16, 16:44
I can empathise in some ways because I have the same fear with my tonsils. When you go to ENT you will be seeing a specialist and he will have seen your symptoms hundreds of times before. It might be a chronic inflammation or an allergy issue that has manifested. obvious only the expert will tell you but if your GP wasn't worried then you should feel more reassured. I have my own issues right now with my tonsils and need an operation so I know how you are feeling but look positively towards your appointment and getting some answers and hopefully the right medication x

10-08-16, 16:46
Thank you, the doctor said if I was a heavy smoker she would be worried but as I'm not she isn't that worried. I. Ant help it though as I just cry at the thought of cancer and never seeing my boys again. I'm sorry to hear about your tonsils ... when is your operation??

14-08-16, 08:26
Is there anyone else can help? My ears and throat now hurt. I'm totally convinced it's Cancer as I seem to tick all the boxes and I'm soo scared

14-08-16, 08:33
Sorry I don't have much advice but my right nostril has been blocked (only partially during the day, then fully at night) for over a year now too. When I look up (tmi ha) the right nostril looks very red and is more 'swollen'. I also get what feels like liquid shifting sometimes in my head, feels very strange.
My partner has a sniffly nose all the time. I genuinely mean every single day he sounds like he has a cold. I think sinus issues are probably pretty common

14-08-16, 08:43
Thank you, I just feel like I'm going to be told it is. Sadly a friend of mine had sinus cancer when we were in our twentys and it scares me