View Full Version : im new

22-03-07, 10:50
hello~ i found this site last night because a friend showed it to me~ i joined this morning~ i'm 26 and get panic attacks~i am on the road to recovery though~anyway off to read the forum now :)

22-03-07, 10:59
A very big welcome to you!

Piglet :flowers:

22-03-07, 11:00
Hi There,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

22-03-07, 11:26
Hi, and helloooo:hugs: i put your welcome into merlins post too,i wrote more in there,so wont bore you by repeating myself:blush: Lovely to meet you:flowers: xxxxxxxxxxx

22-03-07, 11:53
Hi wobblyknees and welcome to the forum :)

22-03-07, 12:41
Hi wobbly this is a brillo site very great love Julie xx

22-03-07, 17:04
Hi Wobbly

I understand you are a friend of someone else on here so welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Are you going to continue to come back and get some support once you go home again - would be a shame not to.

Hope we can be of some help and support.

22-03-07, 17:04
:welcome: Hiya wobbleyknees, love the name, it made me smile!! good to have you here, Sky

22-03-07, 19:17

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx