View Full Version : Silicosis fear

11-08-16, 01:49
Hi, new to this forum, but I've had so many health anxiety things, joining seemed inevitable.

My latest health obsession is concerning silicosis. I work in a stockroom and there is a small electrical room that connects to the stockroom. It was being cleaned out do to a fire inspection, and the person who cleaned out the room was just tossing things into a trashcan. I soon noticed a reddish powder in the bag and all over the floor. As I went to throw the trash bag into the dumpster outside, the bag of sanded grout fell out of the trash bag and created a cloud of dust. I managed to avoid it (I think) and as I picked up the grout bag and tossed it into the dumpster, there was another "dust explosion". Once back inside, I cleaned up the grout powder on thr ground, trying my hardest not to inhale it, but I didn't get all of it (maybe a couple small piles here or there).

Anyways, I have asthma and I have been wheezing ever since I researched what "sanded grout" was. It scared me straight. Now, I'm freaking out that I have silicosis or I'm on the verge of getting it. Even though it was cleaned up, I wonder how much got into my lungs as it was being swept up and dumped into the trash can. I'm even scared to go back because it might still be in the air. I read that most of the people who get this lung disease work in mining or construction, but that doesn't really make me feel any better. :shrug:

Anybody else ever have any experiences with grout powder and any symptoms for silicosis? just the mere fact that symptoms don't pop up right away is terrifying enough.

11-08-16, 02:30
A one-time exposure won't do you any harm. Obviously asthma is a complicating factor, but people who get silicosis tend to have a long career of exposure to high concentrations of toxic dust behind them.

It does sound like your company could do with reviewing its health and safety procedures! But you don't have anything to worry about.

12-08-16, 01:51
ServerError is completely correct you get silicosis from chronic exposure to large amounts of dust which effectively overwhelms your bodies ability to clear the dust from your lungs. Your lungs clear stuff like silicon dust all the time its just when you are constantly being exposed that the mechanism gets overwhelm and then can't clear out the dust. --- you are fine

14-08-16, 04:03
Thanks for the help! much appreciated!

14-08-16, 05:33
Thanks for the help! much appreciated!

Took you a while to come back! Did you manage to rationalise your worry away i the end?