View Full Version : How are we all doing?

11-08-16, 12:49
So i returned to the doctors today for a review of the cit. I have been on cit for 12 weeks thats 2 weeks at 10mg and 10 weeks at 20mg. If you had seen how i was 12 weeks ago to where i am now you would be surprised. My anxiety 12 weeks ago was off the charts and at an all time high. Today and over the last 2 weeks i have felt much better but it has taken sometime. I don't seem to have the fear and adrenaline anymore in my body and actually feel quite normal. I have a few up and down days with mild anxiety. However, as people on here know my anxiety is due to work and I have only done 3 days in the last 12 weeks. i am now on school holidays and due to return in September on a phased return. That is 4 weeks away and i am interested to see how that will effect me. It is safe to say however that when i think about it i do not feel and anxiety and almost don't give a monkeys! Lets see what happens.
Hope everyone is well and starting to feel the benefits, just hang in there!!

11-08-16, 15:08
Hey Andy,

It's great to hear you're feeling better :) Nothing is better than learning someone is on the mend. I'm sure you'll be fine in work... the thought of it is likely way worse than the event itself :)

I'm having an average day, staying at home at the moment so haven't had a chance to test myself out in the wild. Today will be my 6th day on Cit so I've a long way to go, but I do feel the worst side effects are gone. Just wish I could shift the headache and that feeling of being slapped hard in the face!

Again, good to hear you're feeling better. Long may it continue :)

11-08-16, 18:22
I don't seem to be improving at all. I guess I will just have to have patience.
Changed from 5mg Lexapro to 15mg citalopram for 7 days and then increased to 20mg citalopram, so it has been 11 days.
I have a numb face/jaw and neck all of the time. Plus the nausea and exhaustion, what is worse is the nonstop anxiety and feeling of not coping..
I have clonazepam and take a small dose in the morning and the last few days end of the afternoon as well.
really glad someone is feeling better...
I am on two forums and tho' I know it maybe isn't healthy I find it calms me down a bit to read and send posts.
take care

11-08-16, 18:53
Well I've been up and down .. I'm now 10 days at 30mg and feel like I am gradually improving. Still getting anxious but in normal situations so not freaking out but I used to have the awful anxious feeling all the time, so massive improvement. X

12-08-16, 20:00
Spoke too soon. Dreadful x

12-08-16, 21:17
Think andy we started cit around the same time I'm on 10 mgs and feeling loads better than I was I remember how you felt when you first started and now look remember you saying there was no light at the end of the tunnel and here you are 4 months later doing great proof that we can kick anxiety straight up the backside xx