View Full Version : Breast lump that is getting smaller, am I clear?

11-08-16, 15:47
About 6 weeks ago I discovered a very movable breast lump in my right breast. Its firm but smooth and completely painless. I went to my regular GP and she told me to see a surgeon. So I saw him a couple weeks later and he sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound. The radiologist told me that it appears to be a breast contusion (which is basically a bruise going by google research) and to give it time and it will go away. I have a follow up with the surgeon next week to discuss my results. I was greatly relieved and left feeling good. I noticed today the lump is about 1/2 the size it was when I first discovered it. This is a good thing right? Bad things wouldn't shrink right? I don't want to go googling (trying to quit) and scare myself.

11-08-16, 15:55
Sounds good to me!

11-08-16, 16:00
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

11-08-16, 16:22
Thank you!! Just needed that reassurance. :)