View Full Version : Someone to bang my head off the wall please?

12-08-16, 08:10
So about a month and a half ago I saw GP with this little thing on my sole (see pic). She didn't think it was anything worrying but said to see if it changed in a month. It didn't really but it looked like it had because I couldn't leave it alone and had scratched at it etc so had created a bit of scar tissue. Anyway she thought it was fine still but referred me under 2ww to cover her back to melanoma screening clinic.

I went yesterday and discussed my fears with dermatologist who used the dermatascope. She said it just looked inflamed, there was nothing that made it look like melanoma. When I mentioned it being a bit pigmented, she said it's not even pigmented but I thought the initial spot looked pigmented (on the photo). There was no characteristics of melanoma.

It would be highly unlikely for a dermatology consultant to be wrong wouldn't it and they would know what amelanotic melanoma was like surely? Silly to still worry?

12-08-16, 10:06
I have had several carcinomas removed some have been cut out and the others frozen,living here where I do you are susceptible to melanomas.I would not worry,as it doesn't look like anything that resembles from what I know to be a melanoma, I'm no doc but do know what they look like..:)

Gary A
12-08-16, 11:35
That is not a melanoma, it doesn't look remotely like one. It actually looks a bit like the beginnings of a verruca.

12-08-16, 11:41

There you go :D

12-08-16, 12:09
Haha thanks guys you are awesome. Going to stop being silly now!!

12-08-16, 19:11
Hey Hope, had a look at your photo I agree doesnt look like melanoma, at all.. I know how HA can makes us think the worst though xx

13-08-16, 03:42
Yeah it look ok, but the health anxiety can make you think the craziest things.

Captain irrational
13-08-16, 15:26
Melanomas are pretty unmistakable. They are hideous, black, crusty, jagged looking things that are very different in appearance to a normal mole or freckle.