View Full Version : DVT fears or Hamstring? Help!

12-08-16, 14:25
Hi everyone

I've had the pain leading from the knee up the behind the back of my thigh for 3 days now and it's got me limping a support bandage seems too take the pain away by half and ice pack aswell.. No bruising, no redness, sore to touch, and if i follow the tendons from knee to back thigh it's resonating there in the middle of the back thigh left leg .. The thing is I've never pulled my hamstring before so don't what it feels like I've seen football players do it and it looks excruciating..

(times like this i wish i didn't watch the TV series House M.D)

Well my good old friend's GAD and PTSD have me thinking the worst DVT which is frightening the hell out of me with pulmonary embolisms etc.. If anyone out there has had similar experience or has pulled their hamstring could you please put my mind at ease because I'm beside myself with worry about this, Trying to think logical but the anxiety side is taking over now.

Oh i thought i might add i cycle everywhere but haven't had an injury as far..

Thank you for reading this feedback would be much appreciated.


12-08-16, 14:49
If there's no redness, no swelling, a support bandage and ice help the pain, what is it? Answer that question an reassure yourself ;)

Positive thoughts

12-08-16, 14:55
Well what then hamstring? Tendinitis? I have quite a few going through my head! Plus the same head isn't operating the way it should G's.

12-08-16, 15:39
It could be (and this is very often misdiagnosed by professionals so not sure why I am typing this) the iliotibial band giving you some issues, but a tendinopathy of some sort is possible. It's definitely not anything more sinister than that or a pulled muscle. I cycle (and run) a lot and have had (I think) what you are describing. Resting, stretching, maybe some foam roller action and you should be good. Although it can take time; weeks even.

A physio will be able to diagnose and give much a much better care plan.

12-08-16, 16:26
Thanks for your reply fishmanpa and kuatir

Very informative kuatir I'll take your advice sounds like you do the exact same exercise as myself by the sounds of your reply and the way the back of my thigh feels it will be weeks... Got Heat pads.. Support bandage.. Ice pack..so I've bought what i can for now to help the pain..

Thanks very much for putting my mind at ease this anxiety is got me thinking about the worst of things but you've put a rational outlook for me.

I really appreciate that :winks:


12-08-16, 16:38
No problem. Hope you have a speedy recovery. If you are anything like me running and cycling are great for getting out and clearing the mind for a bit.