View Full Version : Sent home from work, absolute mess

12-08-16, 23:06
I work at a restaurant, earlier I was perfectly fine, but then suddenly I felt dizzy, everything seemed brighter and louder and I couldn't breathe properly. I was getting hysterical which obviously isn't good in front of customers. They told me to go outside in the fresh air and then get off early.

I had a panic attack because for a while now I've been having tingling feelings down my left side, mainly my leg, arm and cheek. I told my boyfriend and he said 'that sounds serious you should go to the doctor". When I googled I couldn't find anything but strokes and brain tumours... My dad had several stokes but he was 65 with high blood pressure and a heavy smoker. If it was all over my body I would put it down to anxiety but the fact it's only on one side is really worrying me.

I am going to make a doctor's appointment for my anxiety and to check this tingling out but I don't know how I'll cope until I have an explanation :(

12-08-16, 23:16
Googling stuff is never a good idea, I know you are scared but it never helps. It does sound like anxiety.

12-08-16, 23:16
Tingling is one of the most common anxiety symptoms.

Strokes and brain tumours are rare in young people, especially healthy ones. I'm assuming you're at least relatively young.

You're doing the right thing by going to the doctor, but there are many things that can cause tingling, very few of which are alarming and of which anxiety is a very likely cause.

You seem prepared to accept that anxiety is your problem, which is good.

12-08-16, 23:19
I am, but at the same time I just don't see how the tingling can only be one side if it's anxiety :(

12-08-16, 23:21
You don't need to see why. Just know that it can be. Anxiety triggers all kinds of bizarre symptoms and sensations.

12-08-16, 23:25
It does anxiety can cause stomach problem, headaches, dizziness, the list goes on and on.

12-08-16, 23:44

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

13-08-16, 00:51
Tingling is one of the most common anxiety symptoms.

Strokes and brain tumours are rare in young people, especially healthy ones. I'm assuming you're at least relatively young.

You're doing the right thing by going to the doctor, but there are many things that can cause tingling, very few of which are alarming and of which anxiety is a very likely cause.

You seem prepared to accept that anxiety is your problem, which is good.

Thanks for your help guys, I'm not sure I can fully accept that these symptoms are anxiety until ive seen a doctor but I am calmer than earlier. I'm just worried these panic symptoms will return tomorrow at work in the same environment.

I am ready to tackle this anxiety I believe, I've stopped taking my medication and I'm drinking too much instead to treat it which only works in the short term and then leaves you more anxious and depressed later on. I'm going to cut down my alcohol dramatically and ask for my medication again, also going to eat healthier and exercise more. I've been through a period of almost full recovery in the past. I stopped taking my medication because I felt so perfectly fine it seemed like I didn't need it. Lesson learnt!

13-08-16, 14:20
I went to the doctor, she gave me benzos and has sent me for a blood test, I have to wait until Tuesday as it's a bank holiday in France. She did all those tests knocking my legs and taking my blood pressure etc. She says she's not very worried, but to do a blood test and CT scan to see if it's neurological. She said to go to A&E if I have a terrible headache. Of course now I'm obsessing over how my head feels...

13-08-16, 18:48
Health anxiety tends to move around from one body part to the other body parts.