View Full Version : Hereditary Anxiety/Depression.

13-08-16, 09:07
I'm curious to know if anxiety/depression runs in your family? My paternal grandmother suffered severe depression, spent long periods in a mental hospital and ect was used quiet often to bring her out of the depression. It was not talked about often. It seems to have missed my father, but I suffered for about 20 years with anxiety. My depression has been managed I think with Sertraline, as it doesn't seem a common occurrence. Anxiety is what I struggle with the most. My parents always said I was a worrier when I was younger. My sister has neither and is quite extroverted, while I am quite shy. I have two children around 10 years old. I often think I see signs in here that she will be like me and struggle with anxiety especially. She is a worrier also and panics in situations where my son doesn't. Does anyone else have anxiety/depression in their family? X

13-08-16, 10:45
My mother suffers depression, I remember when we were kids she would stay in bed for days.She used to go to North Ryde,it was a mental institution now closed,for weeks,dad was wonderful always made took us too see her on the weekends. My GAD didn't rear its ugly head until after my husband passed. I haven't said this before he was hit from behind and fell and hit his head on the kerb,was in a coma for 2weeks then passed. I haven't been the same since, I use my sense of humour too cover up my sadness most of the time.

Flipp that is absolutely dreadful I'm so sorry for your loss. You are so strong.

To the OP, a couple of relatives developed depression in their 40's, but they were after major life events so I don't think it is hereditary in my family as it's common to develop depression after the circumstances they faced. I developed it at 19 and I'm virtually unable to cope. I can't work etc. I'm the only one who has had BDD and health anxiety. It makes it harder as nobody understands and I've often been ridiculed and called lazy for not working etc. It's horrible, there is no empathy whatsoever.

13-08-16, 12:20
My Dad suffers from anxiety,phobias and panic attacks.

In the early days with his mental health problems, he had to be airlifted off of his ship. My Dad was a Petty Officer in the Royal Navy for many years. He then spent some time in a naval hospital.

During my childhood he suffered two nervous breakdowns and has always suffered from various phobias, especially confined spaces like lifts. He also could not drive alone for many, many years as he would suffer panic attacks (this is due (doctors think) to two serious car crashes he was involved in, where he was the passenger)

He was on Propranalol for decades which didn't help him one bit. It was only when he saw a decent doctor who prescribed Citalopram that his mental health conditions really improved.

When I was first diagnosed with depression, GAD and panic disorder many years ago, the first question my GP asked is if anyone else suffered from mental health problems in my family.

It's interesting as my sister and I are also polar opposites. I was painfully shy, very clingy to my parents and a huge worrier when I was a child, right up to late teens. My sister has always been the go-getter, the joiner-in, the extrovert who kind of sailed through everything without worrying at all.

I would love to have been like her.

13-08-16, 13:41
Yeah. Both my parents have had significant Anxiety, Stress and Depression at one time or another. Both of them on more than one occasion.

Chuffing morons lol.

13-08-16, 13:48
My dad had anxiety and panics for years when he was around the same i am now. He had health phobia too (heart attacks) rather than emetophobia.

After about 10 years of diazepam and hospital visits for heart scan he says he got bored of it and hasnt had too many problems since.

I refuse to waste 10 years of my life on this. My dr did say that its ofter hereditary.

13-08-16, 15:49
My mother suffers from mental illness (various types). I'm Ok, my sister has anxiety. My ex suffers from depression. My son is Ok, my daughter suffers from anxiety and depression.

This subject has been discussed before and generally it seems to be a combination of hereditary and environmental aspects.

Positive thoughts

14-08-16, 05:44
My dad was an alcoholic who killed himself, my mom is bipolar. Grandfather killed himself was an alcoholic, assuming he had depression. Aunt has depression and anxiety so does my sister.

14-08-16, 23:08
Thanks everyone for your replies. It is interesting how with brothers and sisters it can affect one and not the other. Have a great day. Tracy Xx