View Full Version : Doctor google is a drug

13-08-16, 16:26
Is anyone else out there addicted to Doctor Google? I swear its like every time I seem to be getting better, there is a nagging feeling like a missed a bit of info and should look it up, like "alright this time I will find the answers I seek." I wish I could just block the words lung and cancer from google search lol.

Captain irrational
13-08-16, 22:34
Is anyone else out there addicted to Doctor Google? I swear its like every time I seem to be getting better, there is a nagging feeling like a missed a bit of info and should look it up, like "alright this time I will find the answers I seek." I wish I could just block the words lung and cancer from google search lol.

I infact do just that and it really has helped prevent me going on health related googling sprees. I use this app with Firefox, it's very easy to use and customisable to your needs. http://www.foxfilter.com/ (http://www.foxfilter.com/)

Obviously I can easily disable it if I really want, but it does provide an extra barrier between me and a reckless Google search, the block screen does make me pause and think, "Hey, do you really want to be doing this?" No, no I don't.

14-08-16, 03:44
Dr. Google is my broken crutch in a time of need. It's always there, but never in a way that's conducive to my push to be free from HA. When I'm in my darkest HA days the compulsions to visit dr.google become impossible to ignore. So yes, it is very closely related to am addiction for me. There is hope, though. I've just begun cbt with the help of my psychologist, and I'm very confident this will help me prevail.

14-08-16, 04:48
What is cbt?

14-08-16, 05:22
Cognitive behavioral therapy. It's a technique where you learn different ways to cope with your anxiety. I believe it mostly deals with changing the way you perceive threats. I'm not proficient at the moment, I've only just begun. I hear that it's petty effective as long as you're committed.

14-08-16, 05:37
CBT is about making you aware of the way you think and how it contributes to your condition. It teaches you various techniques to challenge your thoughts and to see them in a different light.

It doesn't work for everybody, but it does has a body of evidence behind it to suggest it can be effective. Those who apply themselves to it with a determination to get something from it tend to do better.

16-08-16, 00:18
i find i've gradually gotten a bit better at doctor google. not fixed, but better. one helpful thing is logging in to my google account across all devices, thus showing me when i've visited sites before and when i've visited. when i'm going to visit a site i've already visited three times, that's a reminder that i'm indulging unhelpful behaviour.

another baby step for me has been improving the nature of the searches. like, avoiding the really destructive searches like "brain tumour <symptom>". i'm on the way to cutting it out altogether but these are some ways i've managed to start to steer my behaviour away from being really damaging and obsessive.

16-08-16, 02:18
It's really a slippery slope for me. My little guy was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, so, like any amazing mom (haha) I took to the web. Fine. I just underestimated 1)my stress level, 2) my own weakness. I think I became overconfident. It didn't scare me googling issues concerning Type 1, weirdly. It was all about management and maintaining calm for him. But I had opened back up Pandora's box then, I think.

16-08-16, 03:42
Googling is never a good idea in my opinion.

16-08-16, 06:24
Doctor Google is the destroyer of lives. 2 years ago he drove me to severe anxiety and extreme debt, but I finally managed to get it under control after about 6 months. Now about 2.5 months ago I made that fatal mistake of using Dr.Google again and my life has been a total hell since. Even though I do have some symptoms and do have some apparently medical concerns, Dr.Google has pretty much convinced me of the worst case scenario and as much as doctors or my own rational mind has tried to keep the fear in check it's been impossible.

I'd give anything to go back and stop myself from making that Google search.

17-08-16, 04:54
Yeah some days I have a hard time remembering what it was like to have no fear or anxiety. But I have been behaving myself the last few days and have stayed away from Dr. Google, and it actually helps.

17-08-16, 05:29
I wish it was as easy for me. I've been staying away from Dr.Google as well, but sadly once the seed was planted it has been impossible to control the anxiety whether I keep looking stuff up or stay away altogether.