View Full Version : I'm losing my grip on reality

13-08-16, 18:46
Today at work I only spoke to one person (other than greetings) and he was with the security detail. We shared a joke. I suppose little things like that cheer me up. I suppose it's easier to talk to them as I just pass them and there's no expectation on either side that a long conversation will result from any interaction. But I'm losing my grip on reality. I'm inheriting £6,000 soon (probate was granted last week) from my dearly departed grandmother who escaped Stalin's Holodomor (death by hunger or genocide or man-made famine). As did my other three grandparents. I have none now.

14-08-16, 16:48

How are you feeling today? I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. You must be very proud of the determination and bravery she showed to escape where many didn't and to travel across Europe to make a new life for herself. She must have had some amazing stories to tell, both of the horrendous experience she had and also of how she managed to survive.

I too have no living grandparents and I still miss them. I catch glimpses of them in my parents and myself from time to time so I know they'll never be forgotten.

Take care


14-08-16, 18:43
Indeed she did.

I'm ruminating today and drinking water like it grows on trees.

I got up about an hour ago.