View Full Version : Sinusitis

22-03-07, 16:26
I have sinusitis and wondered if anyone else has had it and if so did they feel really ill, weak and very tired off balance and a heavy head, I have have had 2 lots of antibiotics so far but still feel not well.

22-03-07, 16:59
Hi there

Loads on here seem to have it at the moment.

I was talking to someone today who has had hers since before Xmas and like you loads of anti-biotics that never worked.

Have you tried those steam inhalation things?

22-03-07, 19:00
I had it and it was horrendous. The worse pain i think i have ever had. Mine caused a stabbing pain above my eye and toothache and a nasty discharge.
Mine took quite a few weeks to clear up. It made me feel very run down which is quite normal. It can be a bugger to shift. Why not try a nasal spray that definetely helped me.


22-03-07, 19:32
I did last month and it knocked me for six, I caught another virus straight after it and I feel so run down at the moment.

Get some menthal crystals and pop some in hot water, pop a towel over your head and breath, do this twice a day at least, it helps. Also go back to your dr if your discharge is green and if you still feel unwell, they should give you a steroid spray, im still on one at the moment.

Hope you are well soon, its awful I know.

23-03-07, 11:23

I've had it twice now. The last time was when i was just due to give birth to my daughter, it was awful... In both cases it took atleast three weeks to clear up , and both times i had to take antibioticts and eventually it did clear up. I think the key is to get treatment quickly for it, so it dosen't take hold.

23-03-07, 11:35
Hi everyone

I would rather go thru childbirthagain than have very bad sinusitis; I used to have a bout of the dreadful infection every winter for many winters. It was so bad I couldn't lift my head off the pillow, if I blew my nose I felt as though I was pulling my eyes out; my teeth ached and the pain over my eyes was excruciating. If I moved my head it felt as though I had a ball of concrete rolling around inside Thank goodness it hasn't reared its ugly head for quite a few years now!!

I was prescribed anti-biotics many, many times; the most powerful and best treatment was without a doubt menthol crystals in boiling water, and towel over the head inhalation. A couple of times a day - coupled with anti-biotics, and if necessary olbas oil or Vicks vapour rub at night-time - all of this usually sorts me out!!

Good luck
