View Full Version : Chronic shortness of breathe.

14-08-16, 06:17
I've had it for 18 months. Every day I always have a problem with breathing. I just can never get a good breath. My breathing mostly always feels labored. I just don't know what to do.

What can I do? IT doesn't seem like its ever going to end. I try breathing exercises but I'm just so tired of taking deep breathes. It doesn't seem to work.

Has another had this and was able to beat it? What can I do?

14-08-16, 11:16
Hi there , whe. I'm going through a stressful time ( which happens a lot ) my breathing becomes the biggest problem I shallow breath which then makes me panicky then I over compensate with big breaths , I do the breathing excercises which does help but I soon go back to odd breathing , I also get wheezing which I have to assume is related , being distracted helps even when typing on here , if I take a diazepam it subsides most times which leads me to believe it's in my head , menthol chewing gums helps a bit as well , sorry can't give you a miracle cure but it does come and go the less you focus on it , take care .

14-08-16, 11:53
I've had it for over a month now. But it's getting better. I realised all my muscles connected with breathing (diaphragm, upper abdominal muscles, chest muscles) were tight and that was preventing me to take a normal, slow, relaxed breath. So, sit down or lay down and try and feel all these muscles and try to relax them, as soon as you do it you will feel your breathing is getting back to normal...it's stops being laboured. I find it a bit harder to do if I'm standing or walking, but it helped me knowing that I can get it back to normal.
Also, you must be worried and anxious about something. Try and figure out what that is....

15-08-16, 14:17
Give a try to meditation it calm you and peace your mind