View Full Version : Banged my head 48 hours ago, obsessing and really need reassuance

14-08-16, 13:28
:weep: I banged my head Friday lunchtime, getting shopping out of the back of the car, I whacked it on the door frame quite hard. I rubbed it immediately expecting blood but there was none. I didn't see stars or black out but I felt sick. Obviously my head is sore still, it stings at the site of the knock (right on top) and it it just hurts generally. My family are sick to death of me going on about it and I feel like crying because I am so scared of dying from a brain bleed. I still have nausea and a sore head, I have no other symptoms. I haven't been to a dr or a&e as everyone thinks I am being ridiculous x

14-08-16, 13:34
if you still feel sick it would be worth going to the docs in case its concussion, they`ll be able to put your mind at ease

14-08-16, 13:39
If I don't feel any better by tomorrow I will go to the doc I'm trying not to go to a&e today as I don't have any worsening symptoms or anything I am just so scared.

Gary A
14-08-16, 14:00
The human skull is actually quite a tough cookie. It's not made of glass, and while I certainly would advise against constant trauma to the area, a bump on the head such as this is highly unlikely to cause any notable damage to the brain.

You may simply feel sick with worry, and you're associating it with a brain bleed. I agree that you should speak to a doctor in the event that the symptoms don't resolve, but I personally feel that at worst you've got a minor concussion, to be honest you probably don't even have that.

14-08-16, 14:13
Thanks Gary and brucealmighty I will go to the dr if this sickness feeling doesn't go and I am worrying constantly it's my every thought, dying, leaving my kids motherless, feelings of anger toward myself as I am such a careful person and I have gone and banged my head causing myself such horrendous anxiety.

14-08-16, 14:45
When my daughter was very young a relative tripped over whilst carrying her. She hit her head from about 4 - 5 foot (not sure how my relative was carrying her, I wasn't present). They took her to A&E as it was a nasty bump and we had to wait for an hour before they let us go home. Apparently if things are OK after an hour it's very, very unlikely anything bad will come of it.

14-08-16, 15:48
Thanks keekee my rational side is telling me that I would have more symptoms by now if it was something very serious, it's whether or not the nausea is "real" or not. I know we can't blame anxiety for everything but I personally tend to get nausea after trauma, ie after an op or a procedure etc but it's the lingering "what if?" What if this time my nausea is real and I have something wrong with my head and I haven't done anything about it. I'll give myself another night and see how I am tomorrow. Thank you for your reply.

14-08-16, 17:49
If it is 48 hours since you banged your head, you are way past the watchful period, which would be 24 hours post injury. In A&E they would keep you only around 4 hours max had you gone when it first happened.

As said already, your nausea is probably becuse you are anxious about this. If you really did have a bleed, you would definitely know it by now, and be a LOT more unwell. x

14-08-16, 22:09
I've had a concussion from playing Football (American Football) and instantly you can tell. I saw stars and every light I saw was extremely bright. Like you said, nausea and your eyes become a blood shot. You don't sound like you're suffering from a concussion. First time concussions won't really causes any bad brain damage. Like others said, your skull is one tough cooki! :)

14-08-16, 22:54
Thank you debs71 and brokenage. It's certainly over 48 hours now and I still feel the same and definately no worse. I am sure that's a good sign. Hoping tomorrow I wake up and feel a bit better.

15-08-16, 06:47
You should be feeling reassured by now but nausea is definitely from worrying about it. I had a parking gate hit my head, felt sick and called the paramedics who said top of the head can take a hard knock, just give you a bit of a shock and a headache. It's the side of the head/temple that is serious.

15-08-16, 21:50
Thank you all for your kind replies, the nausea is practically gone today, my head still hurts where i hit it, but that is to be expected I imagine as I gave it a good whack. Thank you. :)