View Full Version : Citalopram lost efficiency

14-08-16, 21:28
I'm at the point where I've seen a psych and I'm not happy that the solution is to augment my current medication without trying something else first. I've been on citalopram on/off 12 yrs but it's efficiency seems to have gone. Has anyone else switched meds to success as I'm a bit nervous after 12yrs on the same drug. The new med they've added in makes me zombie like and I'm not happy to continue with that.

Any opinions?

16-08-16, 14:07
What have they added in?
I don't know your story but have you ever tried Sertraline? I was on it twice in the past for anxiety & found it really good x

16-08-16, 20:05
They have added in seroquel/quetiapine which has a major interaction for heart problems. I have only ever been on citalopram (on/off) for 12yrs. After a bout of depression and anxiety my dr messed up my dosage 6 times in 8 weeks which made everything a lot worse especially the anxiety. I just feel like another ssri or snri would be the logical choice rather than adding in more drugs.

I'm at a bit of a loss!

16-08-16, 20:16
I was on Citalopram for around 15 years before it stopped working. Since then I have tried several ADs (Mirtazapine, Agomelatine and Venlafaxine) but am currently on Sertraline, which is gradually making a positive difference. I came off Cit completely before trying anything else.
Hope you find something else that works

16-08-16, 22:32
Thanks for that fish, I was thinking I was the only one that had their AD stop working for them. I suppose it's going to be the luck of the draw with what I try next. I'm not sure how I'd manage coming off the cit first as I've had so many side effects with my dr putting the dosage up and down I've become very sensitive.

17-08-16, 09:36
Hi guys I'm 5weeks on Citalopram with no improvement. Been 1week on 10mg and 1week on 15mg and 3weeks on 20 but still no improvement. Advice please. Thanx

17-08-16, 17:01
5 weeks is still very early Boogie, I can't remember how long it took when I first started on it. 20mg is the therapeutic dose, usually reduced doses are to get you used to any side effects.

17-08-16, 19:28
I agree with Debs. The effective dose starts at 20 mg. below that has no effect and will introduce the drug to your system but won't treat the illness. I started on 20 mg and I was awful. Wish I had known to introduce it gradually. I'm now on day 15 of 30 mg. horrendous side effects. Upset stomach, foggy head, no appetite, feel sick, headache, fuzzy head. Doctor says stick with it as its too early for it to work. How long til this awful stuff ends

17-08-16, 20:29
All I can say is it worked for me for 12 years, I'm sure I'll have the same fun when I make a switch.

18-08-16, 18:09
So I'm switching to venlafaxine and cross tapering from tonight. Not looking forward to it but things aren't great on the citalopram ����