View Full Version : Thoat hurting when swallowing

14-08-16, 21:49
When I'm swallowing my throat is hurting, more on the right side. It doesn't feel like a sore throat though it feels more muscular or like I can feel something when I swallow that's stuck and making it hurt but there's nothing there. I've been drinking water but that's not helping at all, well I guess if it's more muscular it really wouldn't. I'm completely terrified right now that there's a tumor that I'm feeling and causing this pain. I had it typed out and ready to search it on google but I stopped myself because I already know where that'll lead me. It just started like 10 minutes ago when I got home...Has anyone else ever had this? This probably sounds so stupid. I'm so freaking tired of this im literally in tears right now from being so scared. I'm scared next I won't be able to breathe. I'm trying to think logically, cancer wouldn't just present itself suddenly like this would it?

Gary A
14-08-16, 22:02
Sounds like tonsillitis. Do your tonsils appear swollen or red?

14-08-16, 22:20
Thank you for responding! Nothing in the back of my throats looks any different really. It's really weird about half an hour ago when I got home it just started and now I'm so focused on it it's horrible. It feels like something is stuck when I swallow. I ate popcorn earlier but the feeling is like what you would feel if a some food is stuck and it's hurting when I swallow

---------- Post added at 16:20 ---------- Previous post was at 16:17 ----------

After clearing my throat a lot it feels a bit bettter... it's just weird because I honestly don't think anything is stuck

14-08-16, 22:47
You're overthinking this. Just accept you have a sore throat - one of the most common human ailments - and it will pass. If you're finding it uncomfortable, take painkillers.

As a sufferer of regular sore throats, I can tell you you'll be fine.

14-08-16, 23:12
Sometimes I get this in the evening and the next day it's gone, I think mine relates to pollen or other allergies. Try a hot drink hope u feel better in the morning.

15-08-16, 03:12
This is the reason I do not like to eat popcorn, it always causes me grief somewhere in my mouth or throat.

It's those sharp little shells. I've had them stuck in my gums, my throat, and oddly enough sort of up in my tonsils.

I bet the popcorn is the culprit.

15-08-16, 03:34
I highly doubt its tonsilitis as that is agony when you swallow, not just a slight pain. It sounds like what NancyW was saying, a popcorn shell got caught in the back of your throat and its causing an irritation. I have had a shell stuck in my gums before and I thought I had a severe gum disease lol, but when I got it out the pain went away shortly thereafter. Keep drinking water and it will work itself out, and if it does get worse, then perhaps you have a cold, but I highly doubt its anything worse than that.

15-08-16, 03:43
And... the shape of them makes them like little suction cups so they are hard to dislodge. I've had to stick my finger back there to scrap it off..

No popcorn for me, not worth it.