View Full Version : Post nasal drip

14-08-16, 23:57
Ok, as someone who has gone through HA dealing with lung cancer, and slowing coming to grips that the doctors were right and my cough and congestion is allergies and nothing sinister, I was wondering if any of you were experienced with cough allergies and post nasal drip. I have had allergies my entire life, but they have always been with runny nose and itchy eyes, never a cough. Now I know the years I have smoked probably masked the allergies cough, but still its something that kind of irks me how now I only have a cough and congestion with no runny nose or eye itchies. My nose feels somewhat blocked, although I can still breath from it. One of the questions I have is if it is normal for it to be worse in the afternoon, this morning my cough was almost non-existent and I felt no throat congestion, but this afternoon, I have been coughing a little bit, and the back of my throat feels kind of clogged with mucus. Not too bad but noticably worse from this morning. Also I was wondering if you all knew a good way to treat this type of allergies, I would google it but google always tends to steer me towards scary stuff. The nasal spray the doctor prescribed me doesn't do too much and the cough crystals barely have any effect. And I am going through Halls cough drops like candy lol.

16-08-16, 00:15
yeah i feel exactly like this at the moment. allergies are pretty new to me, only started up when we moved house a couple of years back. but i have constant sinus fullness at the moment, i can breath through my nose but can feel blockage or fullness up higher in my head. constant feeling of needing to cough or clear my throat and also an intermittent musty smell in my nose. haven't been to the doctor about it yes cos i really don't have any concern it's anything but allergies. antihistamines help a little but it's really a pretty minor annoyance for me. nasal spray does nothing for me really, i figure because the congestion is too deep within my sinuses. good luck.!