View Full Version : Troubles breathing//Dr.Google

15-08-16, 05:58
Sigh. Ive been doing well for the past couple of months. Never thought i had to deal with anxiety ever again...So currently i can't sleep. whenever i lay down i cant breathe through my nose properly, this has been happening for the past few nights I dont have a fever or anything like that. it feels like my nose is stuffy but nothing is there. So i search up (BIG MISTAKE!!) what might be the cause and BOOM heart failure came up on every single website i clicked even when i typed in anxiety next to it, heart failure still kept coming up. clearly i'm terrified having, panic attacks and so upset and scared. my throat feels tight, my chest feels tight its all coming back. oh and if i try breathing through my mouth the air feels so thick and my chest is so heavy, I actually went to the ER cause I thought i had asthma, they did a test to see if i did, and i didnt. Im a 16 year old girl by the way.

15-08-16, 06:27
You're a 16-year-old girl? You don't have heart failure. It's virtually unheard of, except in congenital cases, and these are not that common. You've been to A&E - they wouldn't send you away if you showed any signs of a heart problem.

You said you were doing well and not feeling anxiety. Go back to that. Don't Google. Your worrying is making you feel worse. You're clearly alive enough to write a pretty thorough post about your situation, so you're obviously breathing! You won't stop, even though it can feel like you might.

15-08-16, 06:42
I know how scary this feels, ive been to the ER once as well, but the facts are: if you can talk, drink water, your lips aren't turning blue, and you can hold your breath, you DON'T have true shortness of breath. You are fine.

Anxiety makes us aware of our breathing and as soon as we think we have to control our own breathing, we over breathe and it causes the symptoms you're having. I've had them too.

Put your hand on your belly and feel it rising. Thats a sign there is nothing wrong with your airway.

Breathe in for 4, hold your breath for 7, exhale for 8.

15-08-16, 13:33
And I was a perfectly healthy 36 year old man until I went to google. I never knew how much of a physical and mental toll anxiety could have on a person until I started having this HA. But when I am distracted or I manage to stop thinking so much about things such as my health, a lot of that goes away, comes back when I think about it again. The body has all sorts of temporary aches or pains throughout the day, especially as you get older, and most of the time you pay those no mind, unless you have anxiety. Trust me you don't want to start fixating on your health, which I know is very hard to do sometimes, because when you do you will start symptom seeking and each and every twitch in the body will drive you crazy.

You have already done the right thing by seeing a doctor. Now lets build you back up. What works for me for my anxiety is I go to the gym, which is a natural stress reliever. And at night, sometimes I cannot sleep as well. I find that when I am unable to sleep, just laying there not only has my mind wander to the things that stress me, it also frustrates me that I can't sleep, which in turn makes me even less able to fall asleep. So instead of doing that, worrying laying down, I usually get up and listen to some music on my Ipod or play a game for about 30 minutes to get my mind off things, then lay back down and usually I fall right asleep.

Hope you find wellness, peace and calm, good luck and best wishes.