View Full Version : What is it that makes you panic?

15-08-16, 09:17
What is it that makes you panic? For me, I used to think it was driving, but I am fine if I have a competent adult in the car. I panic if I am driving in the car with only my children. I think my fear is being somewhere and something happening while I'm alone. I was going to take a walk yesterday, but thought, what if I faint while I'm walking and I'm left on the side of the road and no one knows who I am. Needless to say I didn't go for a walk. But I realised it wasn't just confined to driving, but is in fact a fear or being alone and fainting.

15-08-16, 11:36
Mine is similar, almost identical actually. This bad bout of anxiety started with a panic attack when I was in the garden and it was terrifying as I live alone and it was not like any panic attack I've ever had, really thought I was dying. Then a week later I had a bad one in the car with the dogs (plus a friend's dog). This one was terrifying, felt like I couldn't control the car. Managed to get where we were going and had to call a friend to come get us along with her mum so someone could drive my car home.

That was October last year and I'm still on and off with the driving. It get's worse the further I am away from home. It has been a lot better but had another panic attack last week and feel like I'm still recovering from it. It happens on roads where there is nowhere to pull over.

I also had a long spell of being anxious about fainting when I was out with the dogs. Often I;d be alone at the beach or wherever. But I also felt anxious when there were people there as if I did faint Lola wouldn't let anyone get anywhere near me. So I'm happier when we are alone now. Can;t do much damage fainting on sand. That said I have never actually fainted. They say it would be very unusual to actually faint from anxiety.

16-08-16, 00:11
It is such a weird thing what makes us panic and of course nothing ever happens. That is what I have to keep telling myself, you have been feeling like this for at least a month and nothing happens, ever. Every time I have felt like I have felt a bit off and that yep, today will be the day, it still doesn't happen. Even if it did happen (my greatest fear is fainting or having a seizure). I did have a grand mal seizure about 20 years ago in the middle of Brisbane's main train station. They said it was medication induced (I was on lots of different meds back then Prozac, Lithium and another antipscychotic drug - can't remember what the name of it was, but the psych told me to take one when ever I had an intrusive thought). Even when I think back to when I had the seizure though, it doesn't bring on any feelings of panic. I can't remember it, and just remember coming to in the ambulance. Then I went home. It does knock your confidence though. Last night when I was trying to fall asleep, I felt like my heart had missed a beat and then had a brain zap. This happened three times within about ten minutes. I got up and took my blood pressure, which was fine, then finally fell off to sleep. This morning, had exactly the same, but this time only once. Both times, I felt I was inbetween sleep and being conscious, just the drifting in and out kind of stage. Scared the crappers out of me. I can almost guarantee it is from cutting the valium down straight from 5mg to 2mg. Anyhow, from what I have read they are pretty common, so will try not to concern myself with it too much. I really feel for you, because I can understand how you are feeling. My anxiety has started to come back, not at full force (which I think may also be related to the valium), but don't have another psych appointment until next week so will try and ride it out until then. Take care Shaz. Hope you have a better day today. Love hearing your doggy stories. Sound like they are beautiful puppies that show you unconditional love. x

16-08-16, 00:25
People shouting at me. Makes me feel like a little girl. I've overcome so much of my anxiety but confrontation (because it might lead to shouting) and people losing their tempers with me really sets me off, always end up shaking and crying. So frustrating!