View Full Version : panic in families

22-03-07, 20:14
Hi I have had panic attacks for years
Now found out my nana did and my aunt and now my Dad has had 2 for the first time and he is in his 70's-how can i help him-when i cant help myself even-he wants me to shop either for him or with him etc.
i know i need to keep him going out0he is so afraid of the next one-the fear is doing him in.
Nigela x

22-03-07, 20:21
hi nigela

22-03-07, 20:32
My whole family in my dads side "suffer with nerves" as the old un's put it:)

My nan didn't go out for years and I found out that my Aunties on my dads side suffer too, now just found out my cousin had a panic attack the other day and couldn't even go to the shop with her son! My dad only comes to my house and back his brother does all of his shopping but I am slowly getting there with him I am just taking it slowly and not pushing him to do things we have arranged to go out in the summer to a local attraction and I hope he will make it. I think it will help your dad knowing you understand and he will probably be very grateful for your help too.

You take care and hope things get better

22-03-07, 20:34
hi nigela

dont know what happen to the post above lol

anyway i do think pa,s run in familys my gran had them and my mum and now my sis to .
has your dad seen the doc and told him he has had a bit of a bad time .with his age somtimes older people can get pa,s for all kinds of reasons .best to get him looked over

jodie xx

22-03-07, 20:46
Hello Nigela!

How I sympathise with you. Can't say I have any advice or solutions to your present problem though. All I can do is let you know you are not alone in this.

I am an only child and my mum has suffered from severe panic, anxiety and occassional depression for all but five years of my life. She relied on me heavily as I was growing up and my dad sort of went along with it for fear of upsetting her.

She is 77 and has no major health problems. She won't go anywhere , but expects regular and frequent visits. I do her shopping as she won't come ( I wouldn't mind so much if she did, at least it would get her out).

Anyway, to the point. There are many times when I struggle to do things for her because of my own difficulties. Many times I've wanted to just stay at home and not bother. But there is noone else and so I feel duty bound to carry on. I love her to bits but she is in denial over my similar problems because if she acknowledges that I'm taking after her then it means she has to face up to her own demons.

Sorry if this isn't much help. PM me if you feel like it.You're not alone ok?:hugs:

lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:


22-03-07, 21:20
[quote=groovygranny;202800]Hello Nigela!

Hi GG Steph and Jodie

thanks so much for taking the time to post to me.
you can email me too if you like. It would be good to have other people to talk to.
Do you all have panic?
I too am an only child. Think i had fost panic after bullying at school at 5 years of age. Guess some families more prone to feeling like this than others.
Thanks again
Nigela x xxx
this keeps saying my message too short!

24-03-07, 04:33
Hi there!

I grew up in the House of Panic.. my gran had them, I had them, So did my mother who is also Bipolar and my Father (who lived seperate from me) also has attacks.

My bf and I lived my mom and my step dad for 6 mnths last spring/summer and oi.. my mom made me a nervous wreck with her anxieties to the point mine got worse!!!

24-03-07, 20:45

I am certain that it runs in families, as it is a 'learnt condition, in many ways and if you are exposed to it as a child it will seem like a normal way to react. My grandma, and uncle suffer from depression and my aunt and foster sister committed suicide. My mum is a great worrier. I have been diagnosed with GAD, and my kids with M.E. which I am sure that is Gad too. With the right help you can beat this thing! Stick in there!