View Full Version : Scared!

15-08-16, 15:35
So today I went with my mum to our local shopping centre.
Whilst there I became very fijity and waves of heat would come over me which felt wierd, this got me more anxious so I basically got all paranoid that I was going to faint and kept walking off and back again and so on.

For the past few months I've convinced myself I've got ovarian cancer. I've gone to the doctors with my symptoms to which he told me stress incontenece even tho I'm only 32 I also went back a few days later because I noticed a sore which was on the side (sorry tmi) of my vagina and nurse said it will heal. Today when wiped I notice a bit of dark (which looked like blood) was stained on the tissue and so of course now my anxiety is completely sky high.

I'm sitting here saying, 'see I told you all it was ovarian cancer and now the blood has come it's the last straw and they won't have caught it in time'...

Trying to think what else it could be. It wasn't bright red spots it looked darker and stained.

I'm so so scared so if anyone can just spare some time to talk with me id really appreciate it x

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:34 ----------

Can I just add that back in may I lost my grandmother on he Monday morning and that same week my nan died on the Thursday morning so all that's going through my head is 'I'm the one when it comes in threes'....
I'm just a very scared person living life in fear and I'm unsure what to do x

15-08-16, 23:19
I think you would have other symptoms aside from random spotting and lightheaded/flushing. Have you gotten up to date with general check ups? CBCs? I was terrified going back to my gyno after I had this SUPER long period, convinced I had something awful, praying for good news and, guess what, good news!

Trust me, I know it's easier said than done (I've got a lymph node weirdness issue right now) but 99.9 percent of feminine issues are just quirky, normal things. If you have a good relationship with your gyno you might call the nurse line for some reassurance, but most likely they will just tell you to keep an eye on it for awhile. No worries!