View Full Version : Scared I'm going crazy :(

15-08-16, 20:48
Ugh I'm getting myself into such a panic :(. So I came across an article about mind control, now I've started over thinking what if people can read my mind and I'm so scared I'm crazy or like what if I'm insane why am I paranoid about it :unsure: is there something wrong with me :'(. I can't stop thinking about it and it's making me feel sick.

15-08-16, 20:54
No we all get weird thoughts at times. Ever lay in bed in the dark and wondered whether there were spooks lurking around? I have even though I know they aren't real. It's just our mind being over active

15-08-16, 20:57
Thankyou for your reply :) it really helps me realise I'm normal haha. I overthink things and convince myself I'm mad :( and then it spirals! :hugs:

15-08-16, 21:15
If it helps, nobody can read your thoughts. It isn't physically possible. Which is a damn good thing for me!

15-08-16, 21:16
Hahaha thankyou! :hugs:

15-08-16, 21:22
The mind... it's a powerful thing, but not THAT powerful :-)

So.. a thought for you. Are you able to get out for a walk? Have a friend you could call to go with you?

I believe the most underprescribed anxiety medication is exercise.

15-08-16, 21:28
Haha I'm just such an over thinker and I just start thinking so irrationally. Yes I think I'll take a walk get some fresh air! :)

15-08-16, 21:50
It's just one of those rando, intrusive thoughts.

I had one a couple months ago like, "You're going crazy, don't really love your children" and because it FELT real, I thought it WAS real. I just remembered that this was just a feeling, not reality.

You aren't going crazy, it was just a wacko thought we all have from time to time. :yesyes:

15-08-16, 21:54
A very good GP once said to me that "if you "think" you are mad, you most definitely arent. If you were mad, you wouldn't be pondering that question." x

15-08-16, 21:57
When I first started cbt around 3 years ago, I was given a sheet of paper with intrusive thoughts that others had supposedly had. One was the urge to push somebody off a platform at the train station. There were other truly scary thoughts such as thinking about physically hurting a stranger etc and apparently these are completely normal thoughts. Supposedly even those who don't have anxiety/depression get them sometimes.

15-08-16, 22:03
Thanks guys it really helps to talk to you all. You're right, I'm always thinking 'but what if it is' And 'I'm losing control I can't stop it' if I distract myself I'm fine! It's just when I start thinking something about my mind I get scared that I'm mad. Why does my brain have to make me worry about something like that!! :( I'm feeling more relaxed though after all your responses.

15-08-16, 22:17
Have you ever had therapy? The problem is, the reassurance on here is often short-lasting.

You're clearly aware of the patterns of thinking that contribute to your worries. I suspect you might benefit from some CBT.

15-08-16, 22:29
Yeah I spoke to my doctor about it. They put me on a 6 month waiting list for cbt :'( so trying to cope until then. It's really hard fighting with my irrational thoughts sometimes. Luckily I do have a really understanding partner who I can always speak with if I am finding it difficult. My health anxiety is just ridiculous at best of times. Earlier in the month I had severe neck pains due to stress (convinced it was a tumour - making it worse haha) until I went to the doctors. but honestly you all responding really does make me see more clearly that I AM normal and I'm not going crazy because of the things I worry about :) I just think about what you're all saying to me and it helps me take control of my thoughts.

15-08-16, 22:31
One thing to bear in mind is that if you were genuinely "going crazy" you wouldn't know it.

15-08-16, 22:38
Six months to see a therapist that's crazy. But remember anxiety can make your mind play tricks on you. I hope you feel better.

15-08-16, 23:28
One thing to bear in mind is that if you were genuinely "going crazy" you wouldn't know it.


Positive thoughts

15-08-16, 23:45
Thanks guys I can't explain how much just talking about it helps me. Trying to sleep now and it'll be a lot easier thanks to you all :)

15-08-16, 23:58
all i can offer to this thread is that your intrusive thoughts are such textbook OCD symptoms, i have gone through a million fears like this, and each one seems completely ludicrous a few months later. i'd wager the majority of people on this forum have been through this kind of thing. as i've gotten older i've gotten a bit better at recognising early when i'm worrying about something that "logical me" would find completely ridiculous.

re: the repeated "but what if"s, my psych told me recently that a hallmark of OCD is that "people with OCD are terrible at probabilities" so all the logic and statistics in the world won't fend off your "but what if"s. which for me was super ironic because i am literally employed as a statistician. lol.

16-08-16, 00:49
Thanks guys I can't explain how much just talking about it helps me. Trying to sleep now and it'll be a lot easier thanks to you all :)

Nite nite, you have a good rest, we'll be here in the morning :-)

16-08-16, 02:35
This might be a stupid question, but, why is it so difficult to get into therapy across the pond? Is it all linked to your healthcare system or can you go (with financial means) whenever you want? I......don't think I would like that waiting situation one bit. (Anxiety and all.)

16-08-16, 08:57
This might be a stupid question, but, why is it so difficult to get into therapy across the pond? Is it all linked to your healthcare system or can you go (with financial means) whenever you want? I......don't think I would like that waiting situation one bit. (Anxiety and all.)

I think if we paid private we may get seen sooner.
When going through the NHS or other 'free' companies, we have to wait in line. The length of time also varies greatly depending on area and type of therapy. I've done cbt twice now and both times my wait was less that 8 weeks. I'm currently doing CAT therapy and with all the in-between bits it took me from September to April to get my official appointment.